Monday, November 22, 2010

Greek Allusions

When you start looking, you can see allusions to Greek mythology everywhere!  Find two Greek allusions.  Describe each allusion, and explain why you believe it is being used.  This post should be completed by Friday, December 3rd at 11:59 p.m.


  1. The first Greek allusion I found was a tire company called Hercules Tires. The company was trying to tell buyers that the tires are "powerful" and "confident", just like the Greek god. The other allusion I found is Poseidon scuba diving equipment. They sell equipment related to Poseidon (water) and the symbol for the company is a trident, like Poseidon's symbol.

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  3. The first Greek allusion I found was to Pandora who was the first woman in Greek mythology and her name means"all gifted." There is Pandora Jewelry and a Pandora Game Console. By naming these products Pandora, this entices people to want to buy the product because they think these things will be of good quality. Another Greek allusion is to the winged goddess of victory named Nike who can run and fly at fast speeds. The Nike shoe store sells tennis shoes that wants people to believe that they can run fast in their shoes so people will buy their product.

  4. The first greek allusion I found was the Odyssey. The Odyssey was a 10 year sea voyage by Odysseus. Odyssey Cruise Line was named after this. This allusion is being used because the travelers will think of this reference and want to stay on the ship longer.
    The second allusion I found was Venus. Venus represents Aphrodite who is the goddess of beauty and love. Venus razor products constantly say goddess of love, and goddess of beauty in their commercials. This allusion is being used because the products are coming from the "goddess" herself, making the product look more sufficient.

  5. There is the allusion of the venus brand razor. Venus was the goddess of beauty and love, the fact that the razor is named after her implies that it will make you beautiful.
    Also, Argus was a watchman with a hundred eyes, and the name of a security company. This name implies that the company is very watchful.

  6. The first allusion I found was to Ajax, a Greek warrior in the Trojan War. You could say he "cleaned up" in battle and Ajax is the name of a popular household cleanser. It helps show how tough the cleanser is and that it will fight dirt and win.
    The second allusion I found was to the Centaur; creatures that are part human and part horse. Centaur Pharmaceuticals manufactures veterinarian medicine. This name implies that the medicine is helpful and won't harm your pet because centaurs loved all things to do with nature, including animals. They would only do good and wouldn't want to harm animals.

  7. The first allusion I found was Atlas, who was known to hold the world on his shoulders. Atlas is also a well known travel agency. I believe they chose this name for their company to show that this travel agency can take on anything because Atlas could carry the world. The second allusion I found was modelled after Medusa, who could turn you into stone with one look into her eyes. Medusa Cement Company is a company that sells cement products worldwide. I believe they chose this name to attract people to the company because the myth of Medusa is well known as well as her stare.

  8. Apollo is the god of light, masculine beauty and music and the world renowned Apollo theater in New York City is a allusion to this great god. Echo, the nymph who fell in love with Narcissus and could only repeat what people say there is Echo Digital Audio company thatplays on this myth.

  9. The first greek allusion I noticed was Pandora radio. Pandora was a girl who opened a box when she wasn't told to, and released evil upon the world. I believe they chose this name because the station plays all different kinds of music so it's kind of chaotic, like the evil. The second allusion I found is Trident Gum. The trident is a three pronged spear belonging to the Greek God of the sea, Poseidon. I believe they chose this name because the trident is considered powerful, just like the gum has a powerful and long lasting flavor.

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  11. The first allusion that I found was the Percy Jackson and the Olympians books series by Rick Riordan. These books are very entertaining, and are based on Greek mythology and thier gods and goddesses. My other allusions is the movie Juno, a story about a highschool girl that gets knocked up. It show the allusion of the greek goddesss Hera, or also known as Juno. Hera was the goddess of all the women and also known to help women through birth. yeahhhh buddy

  12. Aegis Combat System Aegis, is named after Zeus and Athena's protective shield. I think they chose this name because people would think well if this is as protective as a shield used by the gods then they must really be serious.
    Pandora - The first woman in Greek mythology, whose name means "all-gifted";I think this was chosen to be the name of the place in Avatar because it was a calm, peaceful and happy environment where they shared there gift to communicate and love everything around them.

  13. One allusion to Greek Mythology that I found was Nike. The popular shoe brand, Nike, alludes to a winged goddess of victory, who both ran and flew fast. I think it was clever that the company chose this specific Greek Myth to compare their shoes to. They used this myth to create an idealistic shoe that would appeal to buyers, since it represents speed and victory.

    Another allusion that I found was the Venus razor. Venus was the goddess of beauty and love. The woman's Venus brand razor alludes to this goddess, as it promotes beauty.

  14. One allusions to Greek Mythology I found is Romeo and Juliet. The plot of this famous play is basically identical to the myth of Pyramus and Thisbe. Both couples are forbidden to see eachother and have to hide their love, and they end up killing themselves out of heartbreak and love for eachother. I think Shakespeare used this allusion to make an effective story because he most likely liked the plot of Pyramus and Thisbe's myth.

    Another allusion to Greek mythology is the Nike shoe company. Nike is the god of victory, so it's logical that the Nike shoe company would name themselves after him. They want their customers to associate winning with the Nike brand of shoes.

  15. One allusion I found was the Tennessee Titans football team. The Titans were a race of gods and the football team wants to believe they are champions and god-like. The other allusion is the god of wine named Dionysus. Many wine companies use Dionysus in their name to convince costumers that their wine is good enough for gods.

  16. The term "achilles heel" is used to mean someones one weakness, this is an allusion to the trojan war hero Achilles who was invincible except for his heel. This one weakness eventually led to his death.
    Another allusion to mythology is when someone describes a particularly delicious food or drink with the word "ambrosia". Ambrosia was the drink of the gods. It is written to be infinitely better than any wine of man, so to say a drink is "ambrosia" would be like saying it is godlike.

  17. One of the allusions I found was in a song by one of my favorite artists, She & Him. The song is called "Don't look back" and the first line of the song is "Orpheus melted the heart of Persephone but I never had yours...". It is used to describe a strong connection of love between two people.

    Another allusion is the name of a camera company. Olympus cameras get their name from Mount Olympus, which is supposedly the home of the gods. They use this reference to imply that their cameras are powerful and the cameras are for gods, or pros.

  18. The first allusion I found was Nike. Nike, the winged goddess of Victory, can run at very high speeds. I believe that the Nike shoe company uses the godess to show how effective their shoes are.
    The second allusion I found was Venus. Venus is the goddess of beauty and love. I believe that the Venus goddess is used for Venus Razor because razors are a common beauty accessory.

  19. The first allusion I found was to Dionysus and the company is called Dionysus Records. Dionysus was the God of wine and suffering and rock music can be seen as suffering.

    The second allusion I found was Aegis. Ageis was Zeus's sheild and Aegis is the name of an insurance company because sheilds protect you just like insurance.

  20. one allusion that i found was medusa, a monster who could turn you to stone if looked at Medusa - Medusa Cement Company sells cement products worldwide. it is an allusion because the cement refers to medusa turning people to stone.
    another allusion would be narcissus. he fell in love with himself and drowned in a pond when he fell in trying to reach his reflection. people are considered narcissistic when they are self asorbed or think highly of themselves
