Friday, November 5, 2010

Book of Fred Essays

Write a paragraph in which you discuss how your writing has improved since the beginning of the year.  Specifically, focus on one to two skills you feel you improved on with this last essay.  Also, please comment on another student's post.  This post is due by Monday, November 15th at 11:59 p.m.


  1. On this last essay I improved by focusing on incorporating the theme throughout the entire essay. In addition, I made certain I included a works cited page. Furthermore, I made sure I answered all parts of the prompt. Finally, I used a couple vocabulary words from our vocab lists.

  2. On this previous essay I believe i improved in alot of areas. First of all i believe I stayed focused on the thesis better and stayed on topic. I also think that i was much mroe specific with the details and events throughout my essay. I also made sure i re-read it before turning it in to find any silly mistakes. Lasty i added a few vocabulary word from the list for some extra credit.

  3. My writing has improved since the beginning of the year. I feel that I improved on present verb tense and answering all parts of the prompt with this recent essay. At first, I had a lot of trouble with staying on the same verb tense. On the last essay we completed, I focused on present verb tenses a lot. My previous essays didn't answer all parts of the prompt. I made sure all of my writing was centered on every single part of the prompt. Improving these skills has made me a more confident in writing essays.

  4. I think my writing has improved since the beginning of the year because now I'm better at sticking to the prompt and making sure to include all parts of the prompt. I've also been working on my word choice. Also, I feel like now I have a clear image in my head of what makes a good essay, so that makes it alot easier to write an essay. All of these things are areas that I have improved in since the beginning of the year.

  5. Since the begging of the year my writing has improved in many ways. At the begging of the year I had trouble answering all parts of the prompt and that showed in my summer essay when my score dropped due to that. Now I am able to clearly answer all parts of the prompt. Another writing aspect I have improved upon is my use of quotations. Before I was using quotes, but they were too long and were not cited correctly. On my second essay I cited the quote correctly ans was able to choose short quote that supported my claims just as well as the long quotations I previously used. This all explains how I have improved upon answering all parts of the prompt and improved upon choosing the right quotations in my writing.

  6. From the beginning of the year i feel that I have improve mainly on my word choice and content of me essays. From the week vocab words and the AP vocab list i have been able to expand my personal vocabulary and improve the fluency and maturity of my essay's. Until recently my essays have proven many different points and not what i originally try to prove in my thesis. Through the course of this year (so far anyway) the content and detail I put into my essays to prove my thesis is much greater and helps the reader better understand the topic and argument.

  7. My writing has improved since the last essay.Ii feel like I did a better job of sticking to the prompt and including all parts of it. I also did a better job with transitioning between paragraphs. Usually I forget about transitions but this time I made sure they were there.

  8. I feel my writing has improved since the last essay. Sticking to the prompt and referring to it to make sure I was on focus really helped me. I really think that I improved on supporting my quotes and making sure my point got across. Also, I feel better about my thesis. I think it was very strong and supported the prompt.

  9. Since the beginning of the year, I believe my writing had greatly improved. For one thing, I am able to use quotations properly. I can incorporate them into my sentences and weave them in so they flow together. Also, I am getting much better at my word choice. I have learned to use the correct tenses and to use proper words that are clean and concise. Overall I am improving as a student writer.

  10. From the begining of the year untill now, I believe I have improved on having my quotes mean more and sticking to the thesis. Also, I have answered all of the prompt, especially the theme, I had trouble with incorperating it at first. Focusing on making a point to the thesis has really helped. I definatly need to put those vocab words in though!

  11. My previous essays never head a strong thesis or enough support for the thesis. I can now write a good thesis. I believe, especially on the most recent essay, that I did a good job supporting my thesis and without repetition. My sentence structure has had some minor changes. I now stick more to one verb-tense in my essays and I definatley did a better job embedding qoutes in my most recent essay than the previous essays I've done. I do need to use more creative and adult vocab in my writing though.

  12. Compared to my first essay I have improved in every area except for content. But in the essay I just turned in I think I finally did better. I have a hard time explaining without getting too wordy. And sometimes I go off topicfrom examples from the book to world scenarios. This time I think I stayed on topic and explained without getting too wordy, but without repeating. Hopefully while I focused on my content I did not slack off in the other areas. Overall, I think I have made a major improvement, but still hope to work on my vocabulary and keeping every verb in the same tense.

  13. On my first essay, I had trouble forming an arguable thesis.So I had trouble trying to proe it, which made my essay very confusing and unorganized. On my second essay I improved on this and also with not being so repetitive. On futur essays I hope to be able to form an arguable thesis and stay on topic to try to prove it.

  14. Since the beginning of the year, I feel that my essays have improved. I often struggle with explaining my quotes to the best point possible, and I've felt that it has become better since the summer homework essay. Also, I sometimes have trouble with putting ideas into words, making my word choice confusing st times. I feel that this has improved compared to the summer essay, as well as the Bless Me, Ultima essay. I hope to keep improving my writing skills throughout the year, so the my essays will improve as well.

  15. Since my summer essay, I have improved in explaining my points thoroughly and making my sentences more clear. Before, I would state an idea but not explain it and relate it to my thesis. Also, sentences that seemed clear to me would be confusing to my audience. Word choice was a big part of this. I beleive I have improved these areas and will keep working to better my essays throughout the year.

  16. My essay scores have gone from D's to B's! I think it's because I'm able to focus more with a good thesis. We learned so many tips to make them perfect and taking the extra time to improve my thesis really paid off. With a little more revision, my essays could be awesome. I hope by the end of the year, I will get at least a few A's on my essays.

  17. I usually can not find much to wite about and i can not even two pages but lately i have it easier to write. I can write at least three pages now. I never really explained a lot in my writing but i found that i can explain more and that has raised my grade a little.

  18. I have improved my essays from the beginning of the year by staying focused on the topics and supporting my quotes. By creating a solid thesis, I have been able to stay on topic better. I went from not following my thesis to giving many concrete details that support my argument.

  19. From the beginning of the year, i believe that i have improved on my essays. At first I struggled with completing both parts of the prompt and embedding quotations correctly and I am much better at it now.
