Monday, November 29, 2010

Greek Allusion post

The first of my Greek allusions isn't so much an allusion as it is a direct reference. A while back in Rolla, MO, a college student snapped from finals. He started stealing his dorm complex's fluorescent light tubes, and only stopped when his vehicle was full. He then took them to the roof of his dorm complex, and started throwing the tubes at passers-by, all the while yelling "I am Zeus! King of the gods!" His stunt could only be stopped when he ran out of tubes, due to the police being targeted as well. His actions made front page in both school and local newspapers, and can be found by looking for the picture of a police car with a fluorescent light tube through it's windshield. Now, around this time of year, chalk drawing frequent the campus referencing the event.

The second of which is from the website TV Tropes, a website devoted to pointing out frequently used plot elements. They have an entry labeled as "Achilles in his tent." It is referencing the mythical Achilles, who moped in his tent while a battle was going on in which only he could play a specific role, and his brother was forced to take his place. Achilles ended up emerging just in time to save his brother. The article explains that many fantasy writers use this, often putting the protagonist in place of Achilles, and the tent simply meaning that the hero is absent.

1 comment:

  1. These are very well written since you provided a lot of detail and go in depth in your explanation of the revelance of the allusions.
