Monday, November 8, 2010

Essay Improvements

I think I have improved the most on answering the entire prompt. Comparing my first and second essay, I didn't answer the whole prompt correctly on the first one, whereas on the second one, I was sure to answer all parts. Another thing I have improved on is connecting the body paragraphs to the thesis. Learning to effectively make a connection between everything in the essay has be greatly beneficial to me. Looking at all this skills I have improved on, I hope to improve more and more as the year continues.


  1. Hey Josie! That is great that you are making improvements.I have had trouble on answering all parts of the prompt too but hopefully on this last essay, I improved!

  2. I had trouble on answering all parts of the prompt too! I think everyone struggled with that!

  3. Good job Josie! I'm sure you did great on this essay by focusing on those things.

  4. I struggled with that too. I'm glad you're improving!
