Monday, October 11, 2010

"I picked up the remote from the sofa where Heather had thrown it and flicked on the TV. I flipped the channels around..." (Bardi 38).

When I read this quote, I was surprised. Even though Mary Fred's belief is to not watch television and become brainwashed by it, she still turns on the TV and starts to watch it. With how seriously she has been taking her religion, it shocks the reader that she naturally turns the TV on when she usually never watches it.


  1. It shocks me that she has allowed herself to change so much from her past ways and not even give a thought to how television is sinful anymore.

  2. It was always kind of weird to me that she didn't mind watching the tv yet she wouldn't read any books besides the book of fred. She was also much more reluctant to wear things that weren't brown.

  3. i found this quote also very intersting. I was surprised she didnt feel weird doing it. But she just picked up the remote and turned it on like she had been doing it her whole life.

  4. I agree that it was shocking. It also kinda made me happy, in a horrible sort of way, 'cause she was slowly slipping away from her religion/cult thing.
