Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Shakespeare post

Shylock is the villian of the play because he planned antonio's murder with the pound of flesh agreement and after his own daughter left him the only thing he cared about was the money she took with her.


I believe that Shylock is the villain of this play. This is because of the deal he makes with Antonio. Taking a pound of someone's flesh because they cannot repay you on time is awful. The really sneaky part of this however, is that Shylock makes it all perfectly legal. This is villainy if nothing else.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Shylock the villain

I believe that Shylock is the villain in the play. He is one of the main causes of upset through his greed, selfishness, and just bullying of the main characters. If Shylock had not created the deal for a pound of Antonio's flesh, then the characters would have had many less problems. I do not, however, consider Shylock the equivalent of a devil. He is merily a man who was unfairly treated all his life(also by Antonio no less) and chose to harden himself as a defense mechanism. I believe that Shylock is a average man that, while unusually greedy, is the stereotypical picture of a victim of abuse.


I do believe that Shylock is meant to be the villain of the play. Him and Antonio have conflicting opinions and the audience is on Antonio's side. It is obvious that Shakespeare put things in the play to make us like Antonio and dislike Shylock. Shakespeare also describes many things, such as wishing to kill Antonio, that Shylock is a part of. In doing, or wanting to do, these evil things, it is shown that Shylock truly is a villain.

Shylock, the Villain

Shylock is clearly shown as the villain throughout the novel. He is shown but heads against the main antagonist of the play Antonio, both of them being Foils to each other. Shylock is correctly portrayed as a villain by a person that is manipulative and unjust to the "hero" of the play, Antonio
I can't say I do view Shylock as a villain. In a way, I kind of found myself secretly rooting for him. Not that I wanted Antonio to die or anything, but I wanted something good to happen to Shylock. After all it just seemed from the very beginning as though he had some dark powers working against him. The villain's supposed to have those dark powers working with him not against him. I just found myself too sympathetic to him; I could not see him as a devil. Also, the way Antonio and company treated him, didn't make me feel any more kindly to them either. Sure, Shylock had his problems, but so did Antonio and everyone else.
I believe Shylock is the villian in the play very simply because he is the antagonist to Antonio. Since Antonio is the protagonist and Shylock wants to harm him, he is the villian. I'm sure arguments can be made that he did what he did because he was harshly mistreated, but regardless of this he is the villian. Shylock is probably not the only villian in the play, but he is for sure the primary villian.
Shylock is the villian of the play, because Shakespeare wrote him as the villian. Since he created Shylock, as well as the rest of the play, intending for Shylock to be the villian, he is technically so. However, this sometimes is tricky to see. Shakespeare wrote the play in such a way that evoked pity for Shylock, you can see his side of the story, why he wants to get revenge on Antonio. Nontheless, he is still trying to kill the main character in the play. And so, whether reasonable or not, Shylock is the villian of the merchant of venice.

Shylock... Villain?

I do believe Shylock is a villain in the play. A villain can be someone who seeks revenge, only for the benefit of themselves. And Shylock shows this because he so viciously seeks revenge from Antonio, and fights so hard to get what he thinks he deserves, whether it is Antonio's life, money or respect. Also, the way he is so cruel, especially Jessica and Antonio, can only be described as villainous. For these reasons I do believe Shylock is a villain in the play.
Shylock is definitely characterized as the villian of The Merchant of Venice but I actually do not think that he is the real villian of the play. All he wanted was revenge on Antonio because of his actions that affected Shylock's life. The fact that he wanted revenge I don't think makes him the villian. There is much more to a villian. He may seem heartless at times but I believe that it's only because for most of his life he was treatly poorly by heartless people.

Marissa Pruitt
I believe that Shylock is not a villain in the Merchant of Venice. I think he is just misunderstood and the victim of anti-semitism. I think if Shylock were left alone to his business or in an environment that was not anti-semitistic he would be shown in a much nicer light. He makes a really good point when he gives his speech about revenge, and I believe he isn't necessarily doing a bad thing. Granted he does get a little carried away near the end, but I dont think the role of the villain can be placed soley on Shylock.

Shelby Steingraeber- 5th hr.

I believe Shylock is the villian in the play "The Merchant of Venice". His violent displays of behavior, combined with his clear hate towards those of beliefs other than his own, are uncalled for and harmful. Moreover, he is a coward. Shylock continually pushes to have a pound of flesh removed from Antonio throughout Acts 3 and 4 as a punishment for not paying loans on time, but when a glitch is found in his deal, Shylock quickly flees the scene. This behavior demonstrates that of a true villian.
I do not view Shylock as the villian. Throughout the play, I feel sympathy for him, and I can sympathize with him. I see his actions as over-exagerrated, but justified. Shylock is not the villian, just a miss-understood character., whose mis-deeds are rational.


I believe Shylock isn't the villain of The Merchant of Venice. A villain is someone who is the antagonist, they usually have a negative effect on the other characters. Shylock is only hated for being a Jew, he only has a negative effect because of his religion. If he was a Christian, he wouldn't be hated.
For example in the trial, the duke explains how he is against the Jewish people. If Antonio were supposed to take Shylock's flesh, no one would have cared because Shylock is Jewish. Shylock isn't the villain, he is the victim of religious segregation.
-Hannah Beilman
Altman 6th hour

Merchant of Venice

Shylock is not the villain of the story. A villain is one who is evil. By this definition, he does not fit the caricature. Shylock is not truly evil, he just wishes to exact revenge on whoever corrupted his own life.
A villain is somebody who intends to do villainy. Because Shylock said "the villainy you teach me I will execute," he is therefore a villain. Motives are simply excuses.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


I do not believe that Shylock is the villain in the play. He simply wants revenge on Antonio for making his life miserable. The audience feels sympathy for him and his burdens in life, and villains do not get that sympathy.
In my opinion, Shylok is a villain because he matches the definition of what a villain really is. A villain in someone or something that causes harm or damage. He is causing Antonio harm because he plans on punishing Antonio for not being able to pay off his debt to Shylok. He is the one responsible for harming Antonio, therefore giving him a reason to be called a villain. Although in some contradicting opinions, one might say that since Shylok is discriminated agasint, he should be considered the victim rather than the villain. However, in this situation, just because Shylok is Jewish, it does not stop him from being characterized as a villain in the play.
I do believe Shylock is the villian of the play. When someone is a villian, they work towards hurting and or angering the other main characters of the novel which he does by all means. He takes it all out on Antonio mostly just because he's angered with his daughter for running from him. If he wouldn't of disrespected her and treated her badly, she wouldnt of left. He values his fortune over his family, which causes him to make such evil actions and deals. He goes after all Christians steriotyping them together when in reality, not all of them have affected him or caused his family to turn against him. Shylock definitely should be characterized as the villian of The Merchant of Venice.

Friday, April 29, 2011


Shylock is a villain in the strictest sense of the word. The villain is the character who goes against the actions of the main character. As good and evil are points of view, the main character may be evil, and the antagonist good, the antagonist is still the villain because they go against what the main character believes to be good. There is no way that Shylock is clear of being a villain just as there is no chance that Antonio is the villain.

Shylock, Villain or not?

Yes I do agree that Shylock is the villain in the play. He is so horribley cruel to many people, like Jessica and Antonio. The evil thoughts of getting revenge on Antonio in such harsh ways make him more a villain then anyone. He is constantly loosing his temper, and never very calm. For those reasons I belive that Shylock is the villain in the play!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Villianous Sympathy?

I do not believe Shylock is the villian of the play. Shylock may be a central cause of conflict and portay villianous characteristics, Shakespear makes the audience feel sympathy for him and understand his pain. A true villian is to be hated by the audience and to have no sympathy for. Through Shylock's "I am a Jew" speach he conveys why he feels this way and acts like a villian. Shylock is living in an anti-semetic society and stuggles to be treated as an equal throughout the play.
I believe that Shylock is the villain of the play because of the deal he made with Antonio. Antonio is obviously the protagonist in the novel, and Shylock wishes to take a piece of his flesh, and anyone that is wanting to harm the protagonist is a villain. Although he has a rightful reason to wager this deal, he is still devilish in the act of showing his want for blood. He is also classified as the villain because of his greed for money. Shylock's love for money ultimately causes his daughter to leave him because he values it above her. Anyone who values an object above a human is a villain in my mind.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Shylock... A Villain?

I believe Shylock is a villain in the play. As the audience, we see Shylock wanting revenge on all Christians and taking it out on only Antonio. But in Shylocks defense, he was affronted by Antonio and simply wanted to be able to get revenge like anyone else. All of the ribald comments and jokes made Shylock defensive to the world. I believe he only wants the best for his daughter but he also cares about money. He is trying to show all the Christians that he, as a jew, should not be trampled on. He is also looking to take a pound of Antonios flesh, which will kill him. I believe he does this as not only revenge for Antonio but also to all Christians who ridicule Jews. So in all Shylock is the nefarious character in the play, but it is due to the actions of the Christians.
I believe Shylock is a villain because though at the beginning of the story he seemed to be innocent and abused, once the deal with Antonio is made, it becomes apparent that Shylock is pure evil, and only agreed to the deal in hopes of killing Antonio. Also, how he treats Jessica, his own daughter, shows how evil he is. He seeks out his revenge on both Jessica and Antonio. And finally, we hear through Lancelot that Shylock never treated him fairly while he was workin for Shylock.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Shylock is a villain...

I do believe that Shylock is characterized as the villain because of his actions in the play. Not only does he make preposterous deals , but he also values money over his own daughter. His deal with Antonio shows the kind of person he truly is. I know that Antonio was crass to him, but his actions don't make him any better. He wants to take the flesh of Antonio, which is basically murdering him. He is taking out his revenge for all the Christians on one man. He is so obsessed with getting revenge that he doesn't even think about what he is doing. Shylock is also taking out his hatred for his daughter on Antonio. He is furious that Jessica took his money and ran off with a Christian. He wants her dead. He uses Antonio to get his revenge on Jessica and Christians. His actions suggest that he doesn't have a kind heart. They also suggest that he is pure evil. The personality and actions of Shylock characterize him to be the villain of The Merchant of Venice.

Monday, April 25, 2011

I believe Shylock is the villain of the play. He is the cause of the major conflicts. Without him there would be no climax at all. I can understand why some people would say that he has been wronged but that shouldn't determine who the villain is. He may not be the only villain, but he is clearly the primary villain.


Shylock is labeled as the villain of the play, but do you agree?  In a short paragraph, argue whether you believe Shylock is or is not characterized as the villain of the play.  This blog post is due Monday, May 2nd at 11:59 p.m.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Mathabane Quote

This quote is significant to Mathabane because is shows how you can have hope even in the darkest times of your life. Mathabane wint through some really hard things throughout his life, but he never gave up. This quote is a reminder of that hope, and how no matter what the situation is, there is always a silver lining.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Mathabane quote

This quote is significant to Mark's time period because the seperated groups of people were always trying to find someone to blame. But before you can look at others, you have to first make sure your hands are clean too. While whites did segregate themselves from blacks, the blacks also held a grudge against them and refused to accept the ones that tried to accept them. It was equal judgement and refusal that did no help to end apartheid at all. If you aren't willing to change the way you see others, how can you expect the same from them? So while the dreams of ending segregation and apartheid were just seas away, no one was looking at the little things they could do to make it a reality for themselves. This happens today in our society all the time. We're more than happy to point out issues such a global warming and pollution, yet some people can't even bother to recycle at their homes. Your actions can positively or negatively affect any situation.


The quote is signifigant to Mathabane because he can relate to it. As he was a child he was always wanting to rid his life of oppressing forces like his father and apartheid. But what he realized in the end, was that to change all of the factors in his life, he would need to change himself first. And that's exactly what he did! He first became very succesful in school, english, and later on tennis and then he was able to make a difference in the lives of those closest to him. This can be connected to the world today in a sense of environmental preservation. Everyone is worrying about preserving the environment, some more extreme than others. But many of them think that the answer is to stop doing what they are currently doing. Instead of doing that, just alter what you are doing. In your free time instead of sitting down watching televison, go out and plant a garden or tree. Every little thing helps out in the end, they must start out small before they can get big.

Quote Significance

The quote is significant to Mathabane's life in the story because he was one of the few people who decided that he would change himself rather than just wishing they could chance their surrondings. Mathabane worked hard to better himself and rise above the rest. He put forth the effort that few bother to and stuck with it even when it was difficult. The quote relates to the world today in that everyone wants to make the world a better place, but few want to change their lifestyle in order to accomplish this.
I think this famous quote is important because it really describes the author and his struggles. His lack of power over his surroundings required him to take charge of his life and future. This later on gave him a better outlook on life and caused him to be more successful.


This quote is significant to Mathabane's life story because as he grew up in Apartheid Africa, Mathabane as well as almost everyone he knew needed a change. But, as human nature goes, everyone thought that it wasn't them to blame, but someone else. So really no one did anything about it. But Mathabane was one of the few that realized that it wasn't only the world he needed to change, but he needed to change himself, so he did things like promise to go to school for an education. Today if everyone found something about themselves that they could change, instead of finding things wrong with the world, maybe the world could become a better place.


This quote was important to Mathabane because he spent a good portion of his childhood in Alexandria blaming the white people for all of his problems and his misery, but then soon realized that it's not them that are the problem but him, and for the problem to actually be solved he needs to step up to the plate and make a difference himself. This directly relates to the world today. Any time mthere is a huge natural disaster, like Hurricane Katrina or the earthquake in Hati, the victims always rely on the governments help to get them up and running again, when really all they need to do is just pitch in a little bit of thier own time to fix the unfortunate catastrophy.

Mathabane Quote

This quote is quite significant to Mathabane's life story because a lot of his life revolved around this quote. He was constantly surrounded by people who just blamed others for their struggles which eventually affected him. Mathabane knew that he couldn't live that way and had to take matters into his own hands. He learns to make himself a better person in hope that people would follow his lead and change alongside of him. From the terrible things he encountered in his life he knows that the world is not going to change just because you want it to change. If everyone in the world today lived by the fact that you must change in order to create a change in others, the world would be a much different place. Marissa Pruitt

Mathabane Quote

This famous quote relates to Mark's life in the sense that he feels as if every white person that was against the harsh treatment of African Americans during the time period of the book always said things related to blaming the world for the chaos. They should really be looking in the mirror for a problem, because problems are solved by one person doing their part and that act of morality branching off to the rest of society. This is true for today as well, because for each problem going on in the world from the BP oil spill, to natural resources not being conserved everyone is just blaming society as a whole rather than acting and doing their part to help us live in a better world.
Many of the things in this world occur mainly due to the agency of man. Apartheid, for instance, was set up by the white people of South Africa to keep the black people under their control. They had made the choice to create strict laws and it is by their hand in which the blacks of South Africa have suffered so. Mathabane lived a life subject to white men. He could not control the things they did and force them to see life as he did. He eventually was able to see that his only way to gain oppurtunity was to keep himself pushing and deal with life as it was instead of calling on his oppressors to stop their persecutions. Every person has their agency. With that they can decide whether to be happy or to be sad, to keep fighting or to give up. If a man has the oppurtunity to, he may be able to choose to enslave another man under his will. The world is made up of all the actions and choices that people make. One man may change the way he sees life, but he cannot make the billions of others out there change their views. That is only up to them. However, that does not mean we cannot influence one another. That is what can bring change to the world, thus it first takes someone to change to be an example to others.

das quote

I think this quote is important to Mark because it was basically the story of his life when he was young. Being poor, hungry, and un-educated, Mark really had no power at all to change anything. He couldn't change his dad, he couldn't change the evil white people, he couldn't change the police, but what he could change was himself. This quote illustrates Mark's struggle to change his own attitude on life so that he couold be successful. And as a result of him focusing on changing his own attitude, he could then move on to changing bigger things.


This quote is significant to Mark's life becuase he grew up experiencing some really terrible things, but in the midst of those things there is determination to not be stuck on that but make a life of his own. What I mean is that there is nothing he could have done to change apartheid in South Africa. That just was. But in order to change that and correct the injustices being done, he had to first change what is going on in him. I think if all 6.8 billion people in the world were to make the decision to first change themselves for the better, the world would be a beautiful and wonderful place to live.

Changing Yourself

This quote is probably signifigant to Mathabane because he wanted to change the world, but he ended up changing himself first. He changed from the servant child to one who chased after his own dreams his own way. This quote is true to him because he was trying to change the world and, though he didn't think about it, he ended up changing himself. This is also a connection to the revolutionary people of Libya and Egypt. They wanted to change their local "world" but they didn't think about changing the way they look at the situation first. They just wanted the world to bend around their finger.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Throughout the whole story of Mathabane's life, he focuses on bettering himself, rather than the whole world. He tries to get a good education, he develops a sense of independence, he decides to discontinue being a gang member, and he gets jobs to help himself and his family. Although he wonders why the world is the way it is and why nobody changes it, he tries to change his own world to benefit himself. This quote can relate to many issues in the world. For example, pollution and be applied to the quote. Only one person can't change the issue of pollution. It takes many people to help improve the problem. If one person changes and decides to recycle, use less bottled water, or even pick up trash, then that's a starting point. It takes many individuals to change and make a difference.


This quote is significant to Mathabane because he grew up in hard times. When life gets tough, it is human nature to blame the world for our problems. Mathabane grew up thinking his struggles were white people and apartheid's fault, then he realized that he didn't have to stay there and deal with it. He could come to America and live a better life. That is a change he made in his life rather than changing the way of the world around him. This relates to everyone because everyone wants to blame their problems on someone else rather than making a change in themselves.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Quote Significance

This quote is significant to Mathabane because he personally witnessed several people, including himself, wish that someone would change South Africa and end apartheid. He was one of the few people that realized to bring about change, he must change himself. Most of his neighbors waited for someone else to do the changing. This relates to today whenever anyone blames America's problems on a president alone, such as evironmental decisions. Few people put the task upon themself to make the environment better, most just blame the president and say he needs to fix America.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


This quote is significant to Marks story, because it defines how he got to where he is today, he knew that before he cold change the world or make a difference he had to change himself to. He couldn't change apartheid but he could change the way he lived to make life better. If people in this world today could do such a thing, our world would be a very different place.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Quote Explanation...

I believe that this quote is significant to Mark's life story because it expresses his thoughts about society and the world. I feel that Mark believes that people are too busy waiting for the world to change that they don't do anything by themselves. For example, many people wanted to stop the injustice towards the African Americans but not many people took a stand. People just waited and nothing happened. I think that with this quote he not only blames whites, but also Africans Americans for the injustice. He feels that everyone is to blame for the injustice. This quote is true to him because he witnessed it as he was growing up. He saw it everyday of his life. He saw people wanting change in the world, but not doing anything to achieve that change. They just waited for the world to "magically" change. I also believe that this quote relates to the world today. Many people want to see change in the environment but not many people are doing things to help. People are expecting the environment conditions to just fix by themself, which is not the truth. People need to start helping the environment and then they will see the change they are looking for. Change comes from society.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Quote post

Mark couldn't follow tribal traditions and escape apartheid at the same time. In order to leave, let alone change the system, he would have to shed his ancestry. This quote explains what happened inside him as he grew up from the little Venda boy in Alexandra to Mark Mathabane, a free man who escaped to America.

For a worldly connection, this quote reminded me of a few lines from the song "Shine" by Carbon Leaf.
"And I'd like to change the world/
It's easier than changing me."
The rest of the song is essentially saying how it's time to shine, despite various complications.

Monday, March 21, 2011


I believe this quote explains that so many people are so optomistic about change in thought, but when it comes to action, only the few step forward and actually make a change in the world for the better. This relates to mark because I believe he realized that even changing himself to become sucessful after his unpromising childhood leads him to choosing this quote because he did change himself and in that saved the world just a little bit.


This quote is significant to him because it is very hard to change the world but you can change yourself and still make a difference. He could not change the aprtheid growing up but he had control over himself. Today, if we can just change something about ourselves it could make a difference in the world's problems. If the world decides to change for the better it will make more difference than one person trying to change the world on their own.

Mathabane's Favorite Quotes

One of Mathabane's favorite quotes....

"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself."  --Leo Tolstoy

In this blog post, explain why this quotation is significant to Mathabane's life story.  Why is this true for him?  Also, explain a personal or worldly connection to this quotation to today.  This post is due by Monday, March 28th at 11:59 p.m.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I believe that the school should recycle more. They should have single-stream recycling trashcans placed around the school.

ECO friendlier school

Francis howell mhigh school would be better if we had a better rercycling system. most of the trash ends up on the ground but if we had a recycling system the school would be cleaner and produce less trash.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Eco Friendly School

One way our school could be more "eco friendly" is to have a better recycling program. Instead of just half way recycling paper we could make sure to recycle all paper. Then take it a step futher and also recycle plastics and metals, we could even set up bins in the cafeteria for food scraps only to be made into compost. On top of all that we could set a policy to only have already recycled paper for our school to use, as well as other plastic and metal products.

Eco Friendly school

One way we could make the new FHHS more Eco Friendly would be to maybe recycle more. Recycling papers and what not could be made more fun by have some kind of reward. Really any kind of motivation will do, and that's the point is the motivation. Maybe if the students got something out of it too they would do it more.
To become eco-friendly, I believe the school really needs to reach out to the student body. The administrators may control the rules, but it's certainly the kids who run the school. With teenagers, however, it seems we can only handle one thing at a time, since our lives are so crazy and all, so little steps should be taken. Such a step would include promoting recycling. It's an obvious help to the environment and extremely easy to do. I'm sure teenagers could handle such a thing as simply throwing their papers into a box rather than a trash can. But it seems like the recycling in our school is mainly focused on paper, where as there are plenty of other things we can recycle, such as water bottles and old pencils. These materials should be made aware of and given their own special recycling boxes. Also, the boxes should be bigger and more apparent so it catches us teenagers' eye and have us realize, oh this is a big deal.

Persuasion Post

One thing that the new FHHS could do to create a more eco-friendly environment is to limit students on how many copies of a worksheet they can have if they lose it. Teachers shouldn't have to keep printing more copies and continue to waste paper just because a student is simply irresponsible. Rather than make the environment pay, why not have the student take responsibility?

Eco-Friendly School Marissa Pruitt

I believe that we could make Francis Howell High School more eco-friendly if we all put in the effort. If the teachers and principals really emphasized how important it was to recycle all of our papers we no longer needed then that alone could have a great affect. I also believe that if it was at all possible we could use recycled paper instead of regular paper. It may cost more money which could be a reason why we don't use it but i think it could really help the environment over time.

Eco Friendly Howell

Francis Howell has not been the most eco friendly. One thing that our school could do to help the environment would be to have automatic faucets. Currently a lot of the bathrooms have knob faucets. At least 50% of the time I go into the bathroom, one of them is leaking. Without these leaky faucets, we could save a lot of water. Also it would be a lot more sanitary while washing your hands. Instead of having to worry about turning the water off, you could rely on the fact that it will turn off by itself!

Eco Friendly School

Making our school eco friendly would not be difficult. One thing we could do is use all recyclable items. Another is to make recycling bins more available throughout the school. I believe that if reclycing was an easy process, more students would recycle.

Eco-Friendly School

I believe in order to make Francis Howell high school more Eco-friendly, classroom activities should start by utilizing smart boards, computers, and other forms of technology to reduce the use of paper. Also, throwing away paper should not be tolerated. Instead, recycling paper should be promoted and at specific times during the year, the teachers should tell the students what it is in their binder they can recycle, and give them time during the day to recycle all the unnecessary paper they have. We could also make the consequences greater for kids who are seen littering around or near campus.

Eco-Friendly School

In order to make our new school more Eco-Friendly there is many things we as a school could do, we could stress the importance of recycling papers to teachers and students, not only in the beginning of the year, but between semesters and at the end of the year especially because thats when we throw away most paper. Also we could attempt to inform most students of what is occurring in our environment today, in hope that they will step up and do something about it. Lastly we could admonish non environmental friendly behavior, in hopes of change.

Eco Friendly School-by Shelby Steingraeber

In order to make our school more "eco-friendly", I think Francis Howell could utilize environmentally friendly kitchen policy in the cafeteria. Instead of using paper plates, forks, and spoons, food could be served on reusable, washable plastic. We could also begin using organic meats, fruits, and veggies that are not products of farms that have been treated with environmentally hazardous pestisides and chemicals.

~Eco-Friendly School~

To make our school more Eco-friendly I think the new school should stress recycling. Many students don't recycle their papers or cans or bottles, but throw them away. I think if the school had more bins then the amount of paper wasted would be reduced. Statistically the average student produces about 320 pounds of paper waste each year, if the school stressed recycling more and had bins in the cafeteria and hallways then this recyclable material wouldn't be wasted.
-Hannah Beilman
Student number from:

Eco-friendly School

In order to make the new school more eco-friendly we should start using recycling bins in all the classrooms and cafeteria. It would also be good to find ways to use less energy, like eco-friendly light bulbs in all the lighting and lessening our waste of water. If it was possible I'd also like to suggest finding a way to use sun power from solar panels instead of other, more harmful, energy resources.

Eco Friendly School

To make our school more eco friendly teachers could use less paper. Whether teachers use extra papers for scratch paper or use the recycling system just throwing the papers away is an obvious waste that could be avoided. Also, there could be more recycling bins in the cafeteria for cans and bottles.
In order to make our new school more eco friendly, they should stress recycling more and use less paper. The teachers all have recycling bins in their rooms but I have never heard a teacher enforce that students should be recycling their papers. They could also give us less paper in the first place. When we only need to use a paper once, they could make a class set and use the paper for all their classes. By doing these things, FHHS could contribute a lot less to environmental pollution.

New School Eco-Friendly

Our school should take in consideration using more and more recycling. When you are walking through the halls there is no recycling bin where you can put your drink in. With much of the first 25 minutes of school walking up and down the halls, there should be a better effort in giving recyclable option for kids at the new school

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Eco-Friendly School

Going Eco Friendly with our new school would be a great way to help preserve our environment, but how do we do that? I think we should reduce the use of paper trays in the lunchroom, because we go through so many of those every day, when we could just use the same ones and wash them after each lunch peirod. I think that would help a lot. Another thing we could do is maybe stop using as much paper for assignments, we could start using the computer and email our teachers assignments, or maybe use smaller fonts, or just less questions. haha :).
I believe if we take even these small steps than we can help our school become a part of the Eco Friendly community, and help preserve our planet.

Re: Persuasion

With the majority of the classes being moved to the new building, the likelihood of the bathrooms in the new building being used more than the bathrooms in other buildings is very high. Thus, it would have a large impact on the school's water use if they installed smart flush plumbing in the bathrooms; the green handled fixtures that limit the amount of water used based on which direction the handle is moved. Many major buildings have employed such technology, such as the Family and Chaifetz arenas. These buildings have bathrooms that are frequently used, so the decrease in water use per flush causes a large total decrease in water use. This would save the school money, as well as help preserve water for better uses.

Environmentally friendly school

One thing i think people over look with the building of our new school is what we are going to do with the old one. Obviously it will get torn down, but what will we do after that? Will all the rubble just go to some dump off in the middle of nowhere? Or perhaps some of the waste will be dumped in some natural place, like a stream or a lake? I think to truly be environmentally friendly we need to find good use for the old building's rubble. For example, recycling metals to be used for newer buildings (maybe even parts of our new school). For me that would sound like a very environmentally friendly school, "This partially made with recycled parts of the old buildings". Besides that I think recycling should be stressed more at the new building and we should also look into getting power from clean sources. The biggest part of being an environmentally friendly school, however, is to follow through and walk the walk.

Environmentally Friendly School

Often times it's hard to see how just one school could impact the environment. But little changes can certainly add up, and when you have the hundreds of students who attend a school all make these changes, it can make a big difference. One way to make a difference is to reduce paper usage at the new school. To reduce the amount of paper used, I suggest we decrease the size of margins used when printing papers. Sure, a one inch margin may be asthetically pleasing, but is it really worth the amount of paper that could be saved if we reduced the margins to a half inch? And it doesn't seem to make much of a difference, but let's say a teacher is printing a worksheet for her class and it's just a little over a page long. So for each worksheet she has to use two pieces of paper instead of one. Then she has to make 80 copies of this worksheet, one for each of her students. That's 80 pieces of paper that could have been saved, if only she'd lessened the size of her border! And it's not only teachers that could save paper. If MLA format for the school were changed to half inch borders instead of one inch, every student would use less paper to print out their assignments. That's thousands of assignments, and thousands of pieces of paper saved. So let's make the new Francis Howell a green Francis Howell by simply changing the borders on our papers.

New School Eco-Friendly

With the new school coming along so swiftly i believe we should use this opportunity as a new beginning, environmental speaking. I think the school should really start pushing recycling harder, not only in the class rooms but around the whole campus, in the lunch room, and the halls. I also think that we should recycle more things then just paper, such as aluminum cans at lunch or plastic bottles. Having more recycling options in more places around the school would make it much more "convenient" to recycle instead of just tossing it in the trash.

Benefits for carpooling

One way to make our new school environmentally friendly is to give carpoolers benefits. Some kids who have parking passes only drive by themselves, which causes there to be more cars on the roads, which causes more harmful gases to entire our atmosphere. Those who carpool with other students should receive benefits, like having clsoer parking spots to the school. This will encourage students to ride with others and it will reduce gasoline emissions. This idea is somewhat like what other states have to reduce emissions: carpooling lanes. There are specific lanes on highways devoted to only carpoolers which encourages there to be less cars on the road. More and more states are creating new ways to reduce the number of cars on the road, so why shouldn't schools do it too?

New Green School

In our new school, I believe we can be more environmental friendly. With the new school bringing new changes, it is the perfect time for change to be presented to students. I think that EcoFriendly concepts should be introduced because the students will grow up and make the world a better one. One way we could make the new school greener would be to really stress recycling. With all the changes with the new school, recycling would be one easy change. Another way would be to cut down on paper use. Recycling should also be available more at lunch, with so many lunches at school, recycling would be very beneficial.

Friday, February 18, 2011

School Fountain

A lot of schools in other school districts have water features like a fountain in the middle of their commons areas. A fountain would absorb a lot of heat in the summer and make the surrounding are cooler than it would be if it were just asphalt. Also, it would keep the area slightly warmer in the winter because water takes a long time to cool and the running water would not freeze over and would reduce the ice cover on the ground, therby reducing the cooling affect any ice has on the air.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


In the new school i think it would be benificial to have a better recycling policy established. It would be so much easier to recycle if there were more recycling bins for plastic water bottles, cans, and paper. When plastic is not recycled it sits in landfills for years waiting to degrade. That kills the ecosystem; especailly since new plastic has to be made instead of using that plastic sitting in the landfill. Don't you want the children of future generations to live in a world like, or better, than ours and not a barren wasteland? This is why we should have a better recycling policy in t he new school.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Eco Friendly School

When creating our new school, i think reducing the amount of paper would use would be very beneficial. Yes, we have recycling, but maybe we can do more. While not every kid can afford a laptop or computer, most at Francis Howell do own one and use them more than once daily. By allowing the students to bring laptops on campus to complete assignments/essays via email, we would significantly reduce our amount of paper use. Think of the huge packets we recieve for reading and or notes. By typing those up onto the computer for the use of students, we would save millions and millions of sheets of paper. Allowing laptops within our campus, would significantly increase the Eco Friendly-ness of our new building.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

New School

In our new school a more Eco Friendly is by making the world more Eco friendly and allowing that to start at school. I think the main issue with the enviroment is that people aren't fully as aware as they should be. So I think before we start even putting the resources in our school we must inform people what they are and what could possibly happened if we didn't use them. So, say for example, we did have a certain bin for recycling and trash, well no one is really going to put the effort forth to separate the two unless they are informed with why they are doing it. And then when the young people of this generation are aware of what is happening to the world then they can take that knowledge with them to their careers and into the future.

Paper Reduction

During some school projects and assignments, students are often allowed to work with other peers. Teachers usually give each student their own set of papers and instructions. If we're working in groups, why can't the whole group just get one set of papers? If we begin to reduce the number of paper we use, less trees will be destroyed. Of course, there is the common issue of the person who has the set of papers not being at school the day they are supposed to work on the project. However, this can be easily fixed by the teacher having one copy of the set of papers/project instructions just in case this is a problem. Seven packets of paper being used per class is far more better than using 24-30 packets per class. Although this isn't completely relevant to getting a new school, this is still a change that would greatly affect our environment in a positive way.

New School's Green Foot

In the new building, I believe that having an easier way to recyle and a more appealing one would help alot with the enviroment. If endless numbers of papers go in the trash like they do, then theres got to be a reason why the recycling bins are not being utilized. There's gotta be the same bin in each room, and its gotta be simple yet stand out wayyyyy more than the trash can, not just a simple, boring box. This will save more tress, keep our oxegen more clean, and it will preserve the enviroment for all of our future , beatiful children. Don't you want your chuldren to be healthy in the future enviroment to come?Well I shure do.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Think about your questions regarding the new FHHS being "environmentally friendly."  In a short paragraph, construct an argument for one practice or change the administration should make to the new school that would be considered environmentally friendly.  Use at least two types of reasoning in your argument.  This post is due by Monday, February 21st at 11:59 p.m.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I disagree with Hegel. Creon wanted to establish a new law as quick as possible simply to revel in his own power. He wanted to test what it felt like and this was the fastest way he could do it. Antigone was right, everyone has the right to be have a proper burial. You can not justify denying one based upon lies and threaten someone into siding with you.
I agree with Hegel's interpretation. Creon doesn't want one of Antigone's brothers buried because he was a traitor, while Antigone wants him buried because he was her brother. I believe that both sides are justified for their actions, but Creon's was justified in the wrong way. Creon said it was because Antigone's brother was a traitor, while in reality, it was because of his pride and his greed for power.

Antigone Post

I have to say I disagree with Hegel's interpretation. Creon basically laid down that law to show off his power. It had nothing to do with Thebes and did nothing to benefit the country. All that act did was satisfy his pride and arrogance. Selfishness isn't justified. Antigone's act was much more genuine, for she loved her brother and didn't want him to be disgraced. However, who's to say she didn't do it party because she wanted to defy Creon due to her own arrogance. It doesn't really seem to be right vs right, or right vs wrong, but more pride vs pride.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Antigone Post

I do not agree with the philosophy, the story of Antigone was not right against right. I belive only Antigone was right, it is only humane for humans to be buried, but Creon was wrong. He had no right to take the right of burial from someone..he was only huungry for power and wanted to look powerful. Therefore he was wrong in his doings. Th ephilosophy was obviously wrong.
I do agree with the interpertation because what is right or wrong is different to every person. Antigone thought that what she was doing was the right thing since she was being loyal to her family but Creon also thought that being a headstrong leader was the right thing to do. In both cases the characters saw their actions as morally right which lead to the conflict in the play.


I believe that the interpretation is incorrect. The play shows more right against wrong.Creon was wrong in claiming that one of Antigone's brothers was a traitor, and one was a hero. They both were fighting for the throne, and they died equally at fault. It was also wrong of Creon to leave one body unburied, and it was right of Antigone to bury it. I saw no hint as to both sides being right.


I do agree with Hegel's interpretation because both Creon and Antigone, in their own way, are right. In the play, they both stay true to what they believe and do not back down. As king, Creon is obligated to stay true to his word. He cannot just create rules and not enforce them. If he did that, then no one would take him seriously as a king. He also has unlimited power, so he is able to do anything he desires. Creon's choices and actions are right, but so are Antigone's. As a sister, Antigone has every right to give her brother a proper burial. She believes that family comes first. Antigone risks her life to give her brother the proper burial that she believes he deserves. She, as a sister, has every right to do what she did. Both Creon and Antigone are right because what they both did was morally correct. I believe that Hegel's interpretation is completely true.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Antigone Post

I believe the interpretation is correct. This play is a tragedy between the clashing forces of right and wrong. In the play each side was justified in it's actions. Creon was angry and upset by all of the previous events and he believed not burying the brother was the right course of action. However, Antigone's perception on the matter was different, so she also felt like her actions were justified.


I think that it was a tragedy between right and wrong. Antigone buried her brother because he deserved it. She didn't do anything wrong. Creon, on the other hand, was a horrible ruler who came up with the dumb rule in the first place, and gave Antigone improper punishment for what she did. Antigone did right while Creon did wrong, so that makes it between right and wrong.

Antigone Post

I do not agree because Creon was wrong. He went against the customs and tradition of his land merely becasue he was in power. Only after his own self being threatened doews he heed to the pleas to rethink his desicion of killing Antigone. Creon is very self-centered and way to prideful so i do not believe that he was right in this situation.

Antigone Post

I don't think this representation is correct. I think the play actually shows expamles of what not to do (Creon) and the right thing to do (Antigone). I don't see how there is a "right against right" action I really only see how there is a "right defeats wrong regaurdless of the consequences".

Antigone post

I disagree with the interpretation because it was not right of Creon to leave the body unburied. So far this book has been the complete opposite because Antigone represents right and Creon represents an evil, corrupt ruler. This is more of a classic good versus evil play.


I believe that this interpretation is wrong. There is no excuse for what Creon has done because it went against not only what the people believe but also what their gods have decreed. Antigone was doing the right thing by burying her brother, but by intentionally condemning the boy to Hades, Creon has broken the law of the gods and is in the wrong.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Antigone Post

No, I do not agree with this interpretation. I believe that Creon's opinion on the subject was not justified, because all bodies of those that have passed away should be buried and respected. Despite their past wrongs, death should be a place where spirits can come to rest, not be tortured as they were in their past life.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I believe that this interpretation is correct. Everyone has their own reasoning of whether or not something is right or wrong. While Creon thought he was doing the right thing, Antigone thought otherwise and did what she believed was right for both her and her brother. Just like in today's world, everyone has their own opinions of what is morally right and wrong. While someone may think one thing is wrong, someone else might believe it to be right.

And does anyone know if part of the assignment is commenting on someone else's post?

Antigone Post

In the play, Creon is very proud and power hungry. He does not act upon moral reasoning, but rather acts upon greed. This is what motivates him when he decreed one brother unfit to bury as well as when he sentenced Antigone to death. These were ways for him to exercise his power, not for him to do what is morally right. I think even he sees that what he has done is wrong, but is to proud to do anything about it. There is a very defined good and evil in this play, a battle between right and wrong.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Antigone POst

I do not believ this interpretation is right because the dead should be buried, no matter what. In the play, Antigone was right for burying her brother. This is only natural and appropriate for common society, i think even back then. Creon's punishment to let him rot is quite inhumane.

Antigone Post

The German philosopher Hegel stated that the play Antigone represents the tragic collision of right against right, with both sides equally justified. Do you agree with this interpretation? Why or why not? This post is due by 11:59 p.m. on Monday, January 24th.