Monday, February 14, 2011


Think about your questions regarding the new FHHS being "environmentally friendly."  In a short paragraph, construct an argument for one practice or change the administration should make to the new school that would be considered environmentally friendly.  Use at least two types of reasoning in your argument.  This post is due by Monday, February 21st at 11:59 p.m.


  1. Normally when you go to a place, an example being the science center, besides trash cans there are also recycling bins for plastic bottles. Many other places have a recycling for plastics: next to apartments, home, hotels, museums, parks, etc. If so many other places have them, then shouldn't recycling bins for plastic bottles be placed around Francis Howell or at least in the cafeteria? We shouldn't be left out in this green friendly trend. This is one trend that should be copied off of others. We all agree scientists are smart, right? So if the people down at the "Science" Center agree that it's a smart thing to put out recycling bins for plastic bottles, then it's got to be the wisest decision we can make. And since FHHS is all about education, we should also be smart and place bins for plastic bottles too. It's only the responsible and planet caring thing to do...

  2. i think a change the new school could make would be to use natural gas for our cafeteria's power. Natural Gas is a very plentiful resource that does not require much inpt energy to get it going and it creates less polution than the power plants that produce electricity. It would also be able to work during school when there are power outages so we would still get to eat because growing kids need food.

  3. In the new school there should be a more universal temperature control. In the current school, the temperatures greatly vary depending upon the classroom. The majority of time, energy is being wasted on too extreme of temperatures. In the new school, each classroom should be kept at a constant energy saving temperature. This way the school will be doing their part in preventing the destruction of the ozone layer by the unnecessary excessive burning of fossil fuels. Francis Howell can help to stop the Greenhouse Effect by making this simple change. Therefore, as students we need to encourage the administration to preserve our environment in this way.

  4. In our new school, I think CFL's or solar panels should be used to light the school. With how big the new school is going to be, alot of electricity will constantly be used to light every hallway and every room. From bright and early in the morning, to late every night, electricity is alwayse being used somewhere in out school so why not make it a more energy efficient source of power that is good for the enviroment? CFL's are proven to give off the same amount of visible light, except they use less power and have a longer rated life. And as we all know, solar panels store and use energy from the sun. These ideas i would highly encourage for our school to use to not only make our school enviromentally friendly, but also to preserve the enviroment that our kids will one day live in.

  5. In our new school one thing we could change would be the products used during lunch. If you think about how many students buy their lunch everyday, about a 1,000 or more, and how many of those students are given a Styrofoam plate or tray to eat on. Those Styrofoam products go straight to land fills were they sit for years, and do nothing but hurt the environment. So, if instead of Styrofoam students received recycled green certified trays and plates to use instead, that would be a 1,000 less products sitting in land fills. Also if recycling bins for paper, plastic, and metal products were available for the students to recycle their green certified trays in and other products in after eating lunch, that would about 2,000 plus less products sitting in land fills. Just by making these few changes during lunch time the students and facility at FHHS as a community would be coming together to take a stand to protect and preserve our environment. Also we would also be setting an example for the community just by making these simple changes.

  6. This is probably the most obvious and easiest way to be more "environment friendly" is to start a recycling program inside of the school. This recycling program should include more that just paper which our school now participates in including but no limited to, glass, plastic, and cardboard. My entire subdivision switched to a waste management company that has both trash and recycling program that takes glass, cardboard, paper, and every type of numbered plastic. Again though that is where a problem does arise. Many companies limit the type or "number" that it will accept and some plastics don't have any number what so ever and having students take the time to find this information would be interesting. But putting such a program into the new school would be very beneficial.

  7. I believe that now that we have a new school building, we should also be more eco-friendly. One way is by conserving electricity and power. We should do this by using CFLs, which are energy saving light bulbs. CFLs do cost more than regular light bulbs, but they will save the school a huge amount of money on the utility bill. They also last way longer than regular light bulbs. They are good for the environment and the economy. Another way to conserve electricity and power is by turning off all of the lights and computers in the school building at night. The school building is going to use a lot of electricity that needs to be used carefully. By turning off all of the electricity, the building will save a lot of money and power. The money that the school saves can be put to better use. They should use the money they save to provide more recycling for the staff and students. More recycling options will ensure that almost all of the staff and students recycle. With little changes to the building, the school will be able to help the environment. The school will conserve important resources, which will be extremely beneficial in the long run. The environment has always helped us, now we should help it.

  8. A new school means new changes, and these changes should be made with the environment in mind. One simple, beneficial way to help the environment while reducing both pollution and the cost of gas is to switch the school buses from diesel to biodiesel. Biodiesel can be used to power or school's current diesel engines and is a ton cheaper than regular diesel. On top of that, this eco-friendly change would benefit more than just our school, it would benefit the whole Francis Howell School District. Imagine how all of the other Francis Howell schools will look up to us when we are the first to suggest biodiesel buses. Also, since it is a district-wide change, it will positively effect our environment that much more. With the building of the new school, new "green" policies should be implemented.

  9. With the completion of our new school just around the corner, Francis Howell should start the new school year 'green'. We should definitely maintain recycling paper, but I believe we should do more than just the norm. Seeing so many plastic bottles in the lunch trashcans makes me wonder how much we could be helping the environment by recycling those, which is why we should administer recycle bins for plastics around the campus. Also, we could save paper by reusing scantrons when taking tests, and switching to eco-friendly hand dryers in the bathrooms, rather than paper towels. There are so many little eco-friendly changes possible, and taking action in doing so would have a great impact not only on our school, but the environment we live in everyday.

  10. Everyone is excited to move into the new school, but students should start to realize that it's not just not a change of buildings that needs to occur. The construction process needs to take advantage of modern updates that could not only save the school money, but allow them to use that money in other eco-friendly ways. Simply adding in hand dryers to the bathrooms instead of wasting all those paper towels can put some extra cash in the districts pockets so maybe new updates like solar panels can be installed. The school needs to start off small, and at least place recyle cans in various areas around the school so things like water bottles and paper can be easily thrown away. Small steps can lead to success and an eco-friendly school environment.

  11. To be envirometally friendly at our new school, we should use the still intact, torn down parts from our the C, G, and A buildings for the reconstruction of the new building. Doing this can save a lot of money that the school can use for other things such as athletics. Also, some parts could be donated to a charity for a good cause. I think it would be cool to know that a little part of our old school is still with us at Francis Howell next year.

  12. The new school is coming around the corner, and so is 'going green'. New school, means a new start and we can do our part to help out the environment. We could start off with simple things such as saving paper. It is estimated by EPA that 10-15% of the waste regulation on paper alone. Can you imagine 22 schools paper wastage? We have recycling bins at Howell but they aren't really enforced and some teachers don't even have the bins. Recycling bins in all classrooms will help save paper. Another way to save paper is in the bathrooms at Howell. People take excess paper towels to dry their hands in the bathroom. Establishing hand dryers in the bathrooms would eliminate this problem. If these suggestions were taken into consideration we would be one of the 22 schools in our district that "go green".

  13. There are many things our school could do to be more environmentally friendly. I think the first step is for everyone to have a better understanding of why protecting out environment it so important, because when students do not understand why a cause is so essential, then they will do nothing to help it. While an environmental studies class is available at our school, it is not a mandatory class. Making this a requirement like biology or physical science would be a great way to raise awareness on the subject. Making recycling bins more easily available around the school, particularly in the cafeteria would be a good way to cut back on our schools use of paper. Alternative energy sources, such as solar power can be very expensive, but investing in such things now will save money and help the earth. Also, removing paper towels from the bathrooms and only having hand driers, or even putting recycling bins in the bathrooms would help. Going green can be extremely expensive, but the investment is truly worth it to save the world for future generations.

  14. As the world around us searches for ways to “Go Green”, I believe that it is essential that we, as a school, also put in our efforts to make the world more eco-friendly. I believe that one way we can accomplish this is through the creation of a recycling program in our new school. Statistics has shown that recycling paper uses 70% less energy than creating a new stack of paper. Based off this fact, I believe that if our new school enforced a recycling program that the staff and students followed daily, we could use less energy and help make our school more eco-friendly. One way that our new school could enforce this new program is by adding more recycling bins to the school in order to help encourage both the students and the staff to recycle. I believe that by making the new school friendly to recycling, we can make it more eco-friendly and help ourselves get caught up with the many other schools that have already created their own "Go Green" policies.

  15. So much is changing next year at FHHS, so why not add one more? Making our beautiful new school eco-friendly will be the most beneficial change of all. We should do this by saving paper, an average school uses about 7200 pounds of paper a year, and that’s a lot. If teachers gave more tests, packets, and homework online, paper consumption would decrease. For students without computers at home, there is always the library, and computer labs to help get the work done. Our children will live in this environment with the same, if not larger problems. The least we can do is try to make the world a better place for them.

  16. "Going green" has become a common discussion among politicians, scientist, as well as everyday citizens. With the new school under construction, this presents an excellent opportunity to change school policices to require more eco-friendly actions amoung those of FHHS. Teachers at Howell can limit the use of paper by requiring students to turn assignments in online. This way we are not only helping the envirnoment, but also learning to use more modern technology. If the use of paper is necessary, teachers and students should recycle all paper to be used again. With this new policy in place, the school can also save money. Not only should students and staff recycle paper, but also the numerous plastic bottles that are currently being thrown away into trash cans. With these quick and easy regulations established in FHHS, our school will be on it's way to becoming "green".

  17. I believe that starting an efficient recycling program in our new school with help the school become environmentally friendly. Our school wastes a lot of paper weekly. Having students recycle old papers and even putting old posters or banner from the hallway in the recycling with help tremendously. Also, putting easy access recycling bins for glass, plastic, cardboard and aluminum will help keep our new school become "green".

  18. In order to improve environment conditions and make our new school more eco-friendly, FHHS should make recycling accessible and easy for students to do. When walking around campus, I rarely see special containers designated for plastic bottles or other materials. The classrooms have already taken steps to recycle paper, but there are countless other harmful materials that are being ignored. Tons of plastic bottles are dumped into landfills daily which have detrimental effects on our environment. Wherever there is a trashcan in our new school, there should be a recycling can for plastic. That way, students could simply toss their plastic bottles into the recycling can while they are throwing their other things away. If everyone in our school participated in this simple act, imagine the outcome it would have on our environment. Don’t leave environmental problems up to your future family members to handle. Take steps now to recycle and make the environment a healthy place for everyone to live in.

  19. Using less electricity is definitely eco friendly. In the computer labs, for example, the computers are left on ALL DAY, EVERY DAY. Turning them off when not in use could save our school so much energy and money. Even having things plugged in like microscopes and radios that are only used about once a year draw energy too. Simply unplugging unneeded electronics could help cut energy bills as well.

  20. To make Fancis Howell more environmentally friendly, the situation about paper could change. For example, each classroom has a recycling bin, but does anyone use it? Not always. It should become a more widely spread usage. Awareness is key, the more people that know about them and actually use them, the bigger the difference is made. Also, any of the optional homework or forms should also be on a website versus handed out in class. Most people won't actually do it, so it's a waste of paper. those that do, can just print it out. One last idea is using the "fast" option when printing for all normal papers. This saves a lot more ink and is more economical.

  21. In order to become more "environmentally friendly", the new school should consist of recycling bins for plastics. Although our school recycles some paper, hundreds of plastic bottles are being thrown away daily. This change is not **PREPOSTEROUS** since it is cheap and effective. By placing recycling bins for plastics in our school, our school is saving the environment and saving money. Instead of using solar panels or other expensive "green" products, the school needs to add more recycling bins, for both paper and plastic. The school also needs to inform the students on how this small change can impact the environment. The students need to be filled with **PERSPICUITY** on this issue in order to make a difference. If people don't start making little changes in order to help the environment, there could be a **CORPULENT** consequence. Many people are selfish and don't care about the next generation. But people should care about the next generation since the people affected will be their own children and grandchildren. Therefore, our school needs to set a **PARADIGM** by placing more recycling bins around the new campus in order to **MANIFEST** what this change can do to our environment. This will **MITIGATE** the trash problem in the world.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Starting next year, all elementary schools will be on the same schedule, they will be saving almost a million dollars a year. With this money we should be getting solar panels or another source of green energy such as our own windmill to produce some of our own energy, it may not be much but it adds up and every little bit counts. Eco-friendly appliances are expensive but with all of this money being saved we could slowly change our school to be more green. There are hundreds of things we could do. Switch to energy-saving light bulbs and appliances and recycle more than paper.

  24. In the new school next year many options could be arranged to provide a more green school. We could do little things such as unplug unused objects that are needed at the moment or do bigger things such as solar panels we could switch light bulbs to more efficient models or just recycle paper although most of these ideas may be little these simple changes could change much in our school and save money and the enviroment.
