Sunday, February 20, 2011

Environmentally Friendly School

Often times it's hard to see how just one school could impact the environment. But little changes can certainly add up, and when you have the hundreds of students who attend a school all make these changes, it can make a big difference. One way to make a difference is to reduce paper usage at the new school. To reduce the amount of paper used, I suggest we decrease the size of margins used when printing papers. Sure, a one inch margin may be asthetically pleasing, but is it really worth the amount of paper that could be saved if we reduced the margins to a half inch? And it doesn't seem to make much of a difference, but let's say a teacher is printing a worksheet for her class and it's just a little over a page long. So for each worksheet she has to use two pieces of paper instead of one. Then she has to make 80 copies of this worksheet, one for each of her students. That's 80 pieces of paper that could have been saved, if only she'd lessened the size of her border! And it's not only teachers that could save paper. If MLA format for the school were changed to half inch borders instead of one inch, every student would use less paper to print out their assignments. That's thousands of assignments, and thousands of pieces of paper saved. So let's make the new Francis Howell a green Francis Howell by simply changing the borders on our papers.

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