Tuesday, February 15, 2011

New School's Green Foot

In the new building, I believe that having an easier way to recyle and a more appealing one would help alot with the enviroment. If endless numbers of papers go in the trash like they do, then theres got to be a reason why the recycling bins are not being utilized. There's gotta be the same bin in each room, and its gotta be simple yet stand out wayyyyy more than the trash can, not just a simple, boring box. This will save more tress, keep our oxegen more clean, and it will preserve the enviroment for all of our future , beatiful children. Don't you want your chuldren to be healthy in the future enviroment to come?Well I shure do.


  1. I like your idea about having all of the recycling bins look the same, this way students will be able to identify the recycling bins in whatever room they are in.

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