Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Quote Explanation...

I believe that this quote is significant to Mark's life story because it expresses his thoughts about society and the world. I feel that Mark believes that people are too busy waiting for the world to change that they don't do anything by themselves. For example, many people wanted to stop the injustice towards the African Americans but not many people took a stand. People just waited and nothing happened. I think that with this quote he not only blames whites, but also Africans Americans for the injustice. He feels that everyone is to blame for the injustice. This quote is true to him because he witnessed it as he was growing up. He saw it everyday of his life. He saw people wanting change in the world, but not doing anything to achieve that change. They just waited for the world to "magically" change. I also believe that this quote relates to the world today. Many people want to see change in the environment but not many people are doing things to help. People are expecting the environment conditions to just fix by themself, which is not the truth. People need to start helping the environment and then they will see the change they are looking for. Change comes from society.

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