Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I believe that the school should recycle more. They should have single-stream recycling trashcans placed around the school.

ECO friendlier school

Francis howell mhigh school would be better if we had a better rercycling system. most of the trash ends up on the ground but if we had a recycling system the school would be cleaner and produce less trash.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Eco Friendly School

One way our school could be more "eco friendly" is to have a better recycling program. Instead of just half way recycling paper we could make sure to recycle all paper. Then take it a step futher and also recycle plastics and metals, we could even set up bins in the cafeteria for food scraps only to be made into compost. On top of all that we could set a policy to only have already recycled paper for our school to use, as well as other plastic and metal products.

Eco Friendly school

One way we could make the new FHHS more Eco Friendly would be to maybe recycle more. Recycling papers and what not could be made more fun by have some kind of reward. Really any kind of motivation will do, and that's the point is the motivation. Maybe if the students got something out of it too they would do it more.
To become eco-friendly, I believe the school really needs to reach out to the student body. The administrators may control the rules, but it's certainly the kids who run the school. With teenagers, however, it seems we can only handle one thing at a time, since our lives are so crazy and all, so little steps should be taken. Such a step would include promoting recycling. It's an obvious help to the environment and extremely easy to do. I'm sure teenagers could handle such a thing as simply throwing their papers into a box rather than a trash can. But it seems like the recycling in our school is mainly focused on paper, where as there are plenty of other things we can recycle, such as water bottles and old pencils. These materials should be made aware of and given their own special recycling boxes. Also, the boxes should be bigger and more apparent so it catches us teenagers' eye and have us realize, oh this is a big deal.

Persuasion Post

One thing that the new FHHS could do to create a more eco-friendly environment is to limit students on how many copies of a worksheet they can have if they lose it. Teachers shouldn't have to keep printing more copies and continue to waste paper just because a student is simply irresponsible. Rather than make the environment pay, why not have the student take responsibility?

Eco-Friendly School Marissa Pruitt

I believe that we could make Francis Howell High School more eco-friendly if we all put in the effort. If the teachers and principals really emphasized how important it was to recycle all of our papers we no longer needed then that alone could have a great affect. I also believe that if it was at all possible we could use recycled paper instead of regular paper. It may cost more money which could be a reason why we don't use it but i think it could really help the environment over time.

Eco Friendly Howell

Francis Howell has not been the most eco friendly. One thing that our school could do to help the environment would be to have automatic faucets. Currently a lot of the bathrooms have knob faucets. At least 50% of the time I go into the bathroom, one of them is leaking. Without these leaky faucets, we could save a lot of water. Also it would be a lot more sanitary while washing your hands. Instead of having to worry about turning the water off, you could rely on the fact that it will turn off by itself!

Eco Friendly School

Making our school eco friendly would not be difficult. One thing we could do is use all recyclable items. Another is to make recycling bins more available throughout the school. I believe that if reclycing was an easy process, more students would recycle.

Eco-Friendly School

I believe in order to make Francis Howell high school more Eco-friendly, classroom activities should start by utilizing smart boards, computers, and other forms of technology to reduce the use of paper. Also, throwing away paper should not be tolerated. Instead, recycling paper should be promoted and at specific times during the year, the teachers should tell the students what it is in their binder they can recycle, and give them time during the day to recycle all the unnecessary paper they have. We could also make the consequences greater for kids who are seen littering around or near campus.

Eco-Friendly School

In order to make our new school more Eco-Friendly there is many things we as a school could do, we could stress the importance of recycling papers to teachers and students, not only in the beginning of the year, but between semesters and at the end of the year especially because thats when we throw away most paper. Also we could attempt to inform most students of what is occurring in our environment today, in hope that they will step up and do something about it. Lastly we could admonish non environmental friendly behavior, in hopes of change.

Eco Friendly School-by Shelby Steingraeber

In order to make our school more "eco-friendly", I think Francis Howell could utilize environmentally friendly kitchen policy in the cafeteria. Instead of using paper plates, forks, and spoons, food could be served on reusable, washable plastic. We could also begin using organic meats, fruits, and veggies that are not products of farms that have been treated with environmentally hazardous pestisides and chemicals.

~Eco-Friendly School~

To make our school more Eco-friendly I think the new school should stress recycling. Many students don't recycle their papers or cans or bottles, but throw them away. I think if the school had more bins then the amount of paper wasted would be reduced. Statistically the average student produces about 320 pounds of paper waste each year, if the school stressed recycling more and had bins in the cafeteria and hallways then this recyclable material wouldn't be wasted.
-Hannah Beilman
Student number from:

Eco-friendly School

In order to make the new school more eco-friendly we should start using recycling bins in all the classrooms and cafeteria. It would also be good to find ways to use less energy, like eco-friendly light bulbs in all the lighting and lessening our waste of water. If it was possible I'd also like to suggest finding a way to use sun power from solar panels instead of other, more harmful, energy resources.

Eco Friendly School

To make our school more eco friendly teachers could use less paper. Whether teachers use extra papers for scratch paper or use the recycling system just throwing the papers away is an obvious waste that could be avoided. Also, there could be more recycling bins in the cafeteria for cans and bottles.
In order to make our new school more eco friendly, they should stress recycling more and use less paper. The teachers all have recycling bins in their rooms but I have never heard a teacher enforce that students should be recycling their papers. They could also give us less paper in the first place. When we only need to use a paper once, they could make a class set and use the paper for all their classes. By doing these things, FHHS could contribute a lot less to environmental pollution.

New School Eco-Friendly

Our school should take in consideration using more and more recycling. When you are walking through the halls there is no recycling bin where you can put your drink in. With much of the first 25 minutes of school walking up and down the halls, there should be a better effort in giving recyclable option for kids at the new school

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Eco-Friendly School

Going Eco Friendly with our new school would be a great way to help preserve our environment, but how do we do that? I think we should reduce the use of paper trays in the lunchroom, because we go through so many of those every day, when we could just use the same ones and wash them after each lunch peirod. I think that would help a lot. Another thing we could do is maybe stop using as much paper for assignments, we could start using the computer and email our teachers assignments, or maybe use smaller fonts, or just less questions. haha :).
I believe if we take even these small steps than we can help our school become a part of the Eco Friendly community, and help preserve our planet.

Re: Persuasion

With the majority of the classes being moved to the new building, the likelihood of the bathrooms in the new building being used more than the bathrooms in other buildings is very high. Thus, it would have a large impact on the school's water use if they installed smart flush plumbing in the bathrooms; the green handled fixtures that limit the amount of water used based on which direction the handle is moved. Many major buildings have employed such technology, such as the Family and Chaifetz arenas. These buildings have bathrooms that are frequently used, so the decrease in water use per flush causes a large total decrease in water use. This would save the school money, as well as help preserve water for better uses.

Environmentally friendly school

One thing i think people over look with the building of our new school is what we are going to do with the old one. Obviously it will get torn down, but what will we do after that? Will all the rubble just go to some dump off in the middle of nowhere? Or perhaps some of the waste will be dumped in some natural place, like a stream or a lake? I think to truly be environmentally friendly we need to find good use for the old building's rubble. For example, recycling metals to be used for newer buildings (maybe even parts of our new school). For me that would sound like a very environmentally friendly school, "This partially made with recycled parts of the old buildings". Besides that I think recycling should be stressed more at the new building and we should also look into getting power from clean sources. The biggest part of being an environmentally friendly school, however, is to follow through and walk the walk.

Environmentally Friendly School

Often times it's hard to see how just one school could impact the environment. But little changes can certainly add up, and when you have the hundreds of students who attend a school all make these changes, it can make a big difference. One way to make a difference is to reduce paper usage at the new school. To reduce the amount of paper used, I suggest we decrease the size of margins used when printing papers. Sure, a one inch margin may be asthetically pleasing, but is it really worth the amount of paper that could be saved if we reduced the margins to a half inch? And it doesn't seem to make much of a difference, but let's say a teacher is printing a worksheet for her class and it's just a little over a page long. So for each worksheet she has to use two pieces of paper instead of one. Then she has to make 80 copies of this worksheet, one for each of her students. That's 80 pieces of paper that could have been saved, if only she'd lessened the size of her border! And it's not only teachers that could save paper. If MLA format for the school were changed to half inch borders instead of one inch, every student would use less paper to print out their assignments. That's thousands of assignments, and thousands of pieces of paper saved. So let's make the new Francis Howell a green Francis Howell by simply changing the borders on our papers.

New School Eco-Friendly

With the new school coming along so swiftly i believe we should use this opportunity as a new beginning, environmental speaking. I think the school should really start pushing recycling harder, not only in the class rooms but around the whole campus, in the lunch room, and the halls. I also think that we should recycle more things then just paper, such as aluminum cans at lunch or plastic bottles. Having more recycling options in more places around the school would make it much more "convenient" to recycle instead of just tossing it in the trash.

Benefits for carpooling

One way to make our new school environmentally friendly is to give carpoolers benefits. Some kids who have parking passes only drive by themselves, which causes there to be more cars on the roads, which causes more harmful gases to entire our atmosphere. Those who carpool with other students should receive benefits, like having clsoer parking spots to the school. This will encourage students to ride with others and it will reduce gasoline emissions. This idea is somewhat like what other states have to reduce emissions: carpooling lanes. There are specific lanes on highways devoted to only carpoolers which encourages there to be less cars on the road. More and more states are creating new ways to reduce the number of cars on the road, so why shouldn't schools do it too?

New Green School

In our new school, I believe we can be more environmental friendly. With the new school bringing new changes, it is the perfect time for change to be presented to students. I think that EcoFriendly concepts should be introduced because the students will grow up and make the world a better one. One way we could make the new school greener would be to really stress recycling. With all the changes with the new school, recycling would be one easy change. Another way would be to cut down on paper use. Recycling should also be available more at lunch, with so many lunches at school, recycling would be very beneficial.

Friday, February 18, 2011

School Fountain

A lot of schools in other school districts have water features like a fountain in the middle of their commons areas. A fountain would absorb a lot of heat in the summer and make the surrounding are cooler than it would be if it were just asphalt. Also, it would keep the area slightly warmer in the winter because water takes a long time to cool and the running water would not freeze over and would reduce the ice cover on the ground, therby reducing the cooling affect any ice has on the air.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


In the new school i think it would be benificial to have a better recycling policy established. It would be so much easier to recycle if there were more recycling bins for plastic water bottles, cans, and paper. When plastic is not recycled it sits in landfills for years waiting to degrade. That kills the ecosystem; especailly since new plastic has to be made instead of using that plastic sitting in the landfill. Don't you want the children of future generations to live in a world like, or better, than ours and not a barren wasteland? This is why we should have a better recycling policy in t he new school.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Eco Friendly School

When creating our new school, i think reducing the amount of paper would use would be very beneficial. Yes, we have recycling, but maybe we can do more. While not every kid can afford a laptop or computer, most at Francis Howell do own one and use them more than once daily. By allowing the students to bring laptops on campus to complete assignments/essays via email, we would significantly reduce our amount of paper use. Think of the huge packets we recieve for reading and or notes. By typing those up onto the computer for the use of students, we would save millions and millions of sheets of paper. Allowing laptops within our campus, would significantly increase the Eco Friendly-ness of our new building.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

New School

In our new school a more Eco Friendly is by making the world more Eco friendly and allowing that to start at school. I think the main issue with the enviroment is that people aren't fully as aware as they should be. So I think before we start even putting the resources in our school we must inform people what they are and what could possibly happened if we didn't use them. So, say for example, we did have a certain bin for recycling and trash, well no one is really going to put the effort forth to separate the two unless they are informed with why they are doing it. And then when the young people of this generation are aware of what is happening to the world then they can take that knowledge with them to their careers and into the future.

Paper Reduction

During some school projects and assignments, students are often allowed to work with other peers. Teachers usually give each student their own set of papers and instructions. If we're working in groups, why can't the whole group just get one set of papers? If we begin to reduce the number of paper we use, less trees will be destroyed. Of course, there is the common issue of the person who has the set of papers not being at school the day they are supposed to work on the project. However, this can be easily fixed by the teacher having one copy of the set of papers/project instructions just in case this is a problem. Seven packets of paper being used per class is far more better than using 24-30 packets per class. Although this isn't completely relevant to getting a new school, this is still a change that would greatly affect our environment in a positive way.

New School's Green Foot

In the new building, I believe that having an easier way to recyle and a more appealing one would help alot with the enviroment. If endless numbers of papers go in the trash like they do, then theres got to be a reason why the recycling bins are not being utilized. There's gotta be the same bin in each room, and its gotta be simple yet stand out wayyyyy more than the trash can, not just a simple, boring box. This will save more tress, keep our oxegen more clean, and it will preserve the enviroment for all of our future , beatiful children. Don't you want your chuldren to be healthy in the future enviroment to come?Well I shure do.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Think about your questions regarding the new FHHS being "environmentally friendly."  In a short paragraph, construct an argument for one practice or change the administration should make to the new school that would be considered environmentally friendly.  Use at least two types of reasoning in your argument.  This post is due by Monday, February 21st at 11:59 p.m.