Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Social Networking Sites

Looking at how popular Facebook, MySpace, and other social networking sites have become, it presents a problem within our generation. With all of the homework allocated to us, the chores we have to do, along with other responsibilities of being a teenager, these sites become a distraction. Assignments using the computer, for instance, makes it easy to log onto Facebook or MySpace while we're supposed to be finishing homework. Another example of a problem of the social networking sites is the dangers of hackers and online predators. Teens and even adults put personal information on their profiles, allowing complete strangers to find out what kind of person they are. Along with Internet predators, hackers love Facebook. They can log into accounts that aren't theirs and can give other computers viruses. Although social networking sites are a big part of our lives with communication and keeping up to date with friends and family, they also have negative effects on our lives as well.


  1. I see what you did there.

    Nice argument, but I do think that your writing could be much stronger if you stuck to your voice. Unless you went around using "allocated" instead of "assigned" and always accent the fact that you are using that word, I don't recommend doing so in writing.

    Part of the reason I don't like vocabulary enhancement being part of school curriculum.

  2. At least now I have an extra credit point. That's all I care about. Thanks for your opinion, I guess.

  3. I completly agree with you Josie, how people do not have time to get on sites like these and the "coolness" distracts them from homework, chores and sports. Nice work with the vocab hope it gets you an extra credit point! Mrs. Altman wont cut me any slack! >8/

  4. I agree! I'm actually logged on to Facebook at this moment... how ironic.

  5. I agree Josie. I put that Facebook has an overall positive effect but it is so hard not to go on Facebook when I am doing homework or have other things going on. Facebook is such a distraction!

  6. Everytime I talk about the negitivity on=f social networking sites in this class on this blog, I always end up on facebook. I completely agree that facebook is a distraction from school and homework!

  7. Personally I don't have a Facebook, but people I know say when ever they get on the computer they immediately check their Facebook page. And I liked how you used allocated in your assignment, I keep forgetting to use the vocabulary words. :)
    -Hannah B.

  8. I also agree, online homework just sets us up for hours we are going to waste on Facebook!

  9. I completely agree with Josie. I hate doing my homework on the internet because it takes me twice as long to do it. I try not to go on Facebook, but it just happens. It is an addiction for me.

  10. I completely agree with you! Everytime i got on the computer to write my essay, i always ended up getting on facebook...

  11. Wow. It seems like everyone has said that social networking has had a negative effect. It's cool to see what all my peers have to say about it, and some are pretty insightful! This is neat, Mrs. Altman, thanks!
