Monday, September 20, 2010

Social Networking Sites

Please argue your opinion on whether social networking sites have had a positive or negative impact on our society.  You should have two supporting details for your opinion, and you must comment on one other person's post.  This post is due by Tuesday, September 28th at 11:59 p.m.


  1. Social Networking in general has had an overall improvement to our lives and the connections and friendships we make with people. I know for a fact that some of my friends i would of never talked to initially if it had not been for facebook chat or similar interests. The similarities that you can find you have with a person encourages you to interact with this person.

  2. I believe that social networking has had an overall positive effect on our soceiety. A lot of people have been able to reconnect through social networking sites. Also some businesses have started to thrive since certin websites have came out. Yes, sites like Facebook and MySpace have causes problems. But the positive effects are much greater than the negative ones.

  3. Social networking is a definite negative impact on our society and our beliefs. It makes people think that they can say anything on the internet and not suffer any reprocussions. This is completely wrong. Employers and colleges will look on the internet for anything about you. Also, people say it allows you to keep in touch when you otherwise couldn't. Also untrue. If you can talk to someone over the internet, then they have a computer, and I have yet to see someone with a computer but without a phone. If you really want to talk to someone, call them and hear their tone of voice instead of reading words and trying to interpret how they feel. People have fallen so out of touch with talking to people over the phone that apple could make a new app that lets you talk to the other person and hear their voice and it would be a smash hit.

  4. Social networking at first was a fun way to connect with friends, but now has become a waste of time to its users. People are becoming addicted to social networking in a way that does no benefit to them. Constantly having the want to log onto a social network takes away productive time within the day.

  5. Social networking has had different types of effects on today's generation but these seem to mainly be positive. Although by having a profile on one of these sites can make your computer less secure and easier to hack, you might learn a thing or two about protecting it in the first place while logged on since these sites give plenty of information regarding it during sign-up. The main beneficial piece of these social networks tends to be the increase in quick and easy communication between your friends, peers, and relatives. This might even mean getting extra help on an allocation that's due the following morning that your teacher doesn't have time to help you on. Overall, these websites have had a monumental impact that sets the standards high for the next big trend.

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  7. Social networking sites like Facebook and Myspace have become a dint in the minds of our generation. We waste our time chatting and checking profiles that we do not have enough time to finish the homework that is allocated to us. Our grades begin to drop and our parents and teachers admonish us for our lack of effort in our studies. We also become ascetic from the world beyond our computer screens. We feel as if we can meet and have relationships with people by instant messaging them and we feel more confident knowing that they can not harm us from behind their screens. We say things that we would not normally say because these people can not do anything about it.

  8. I belive that social networking sites have a few drawbacks but overall are very useful and helpful. Facebook and Myspace are a great way to comunicate with friends, family, or people you havent talked to in a while. Many businesses and companies thrive on these type of sites for advertising. Although some people choose to live an ascetic live outside of social networking sites, if you use them in moderation the are very beneficial.

  9. Social networking has had more of a negative effecton today's society. First and most obvious is the lack of privacy that leaves sexual predators and creepers open to view the lives of younger kids. ALso it has effected the way people communicate, instead of calling to see what someone is doing it has become checking their statuses and updates, just spending more time on the computer. The face to face talk has decreased and because of that there are still many people...boys... that can not hold an intresting conversation with others. Facebook and other social networks have had great success with popularity, but I think as the more "uncool" it gets, less people will be on it.

  10. I'm kind of 50-50 on it being good and bad. There are some great things about Facebook, like the chats and catching up with people. But there are tons of cases of stalkers and creepers that really aren't worth the risk. I have a Facebook and I'm smart enough not to add strangers and I think if you add strangers just to have loads of friends, then you're too immature to be using the sites.

  11. I believe that Facebook has had an overall positive effect on society. One beneficial thing about Facebook is that it is an effective way to stay in touch with my friends. Another valuable aspect is that I can get to know somone better by chatting with them, by looking at their pictures, and by watching their videos. In addition, by looking at people's wall posts I can see what is going on in their life. I just got a Facebook account over the summer, and it is so hard to resist the temptation to go on it too much because of how useful it is.

  12. I believe that social networking sites have had an overall negative effect on society. One negative effect would be how much these sites have made communication impersonal. Because one can not see the people they are communicating with people tend to be more prone to write CRASS and hurtful thing about each other, that they would not normally say in person. Also social sites set teens up for potential danger with all the sexual predators that are on these sites. Lastly social site consume so much of people's time when they could be doing something more productive. This all shows my stance on social networking sites.

  13. I think that the media is making too big of a deal out of social networks. It's just a website that people can use to fill up time. I don't think it's a big deal but it has benefitted our society. Facebook allows people to keep in touch with one another when they don't get to see each other very often in person. It also allows people to share pictures videos and ideas with each each other. This is only beneficial when you use it in a safe way. You need to be careful what you put out there about yourself to avoid any invasions of privacy from an *interloper*. It is not the websites fault when you aren't careful which is why social networks have positively influenced society throughout the years.

  14. Social Networking sites have had a negative impact on society because they are ruing peoples ways of communication, and are used as a procrastination tool. Social Networking sites such as facebook are ruining our ways of communication because we use them often for communicating. Teens are becoming used to chatting on facebook, making teens say very ~crass~ things online rather than to someone else"s face. Another reason why facebook is negative is because its addictive. Facebook has endless games such as farmville, for students to play. Logging on the facebook becomes very tempting when working on homework on the computer. As social networking sites continue to grow, people will start to live more ~vicariously~ through their computers.

  15. I think social networking has had an overall positive effect on society because it keeps everyone connected. It's so much easier to keep in touch with your friends and family these days because of social networking. Facebook is also a great conversation starter. It's easy to find out little pieces of information about people such as their favorite hobbies and activities, both of which could be used later on in conversation. As long as Facebook is used safely, it's no big deal. As long as people only accept requests of others that they know, they won't be bothered by any *interlopers*. For these reasons, social networking sites have had a positive effect on society.

  16. I think that social networking sites have had more of a negative then positive effect. Although you can use these sites to stay in touch contact with friends sites can also be used for strangers to keep contact of you. Safety issues come up due to these sites and these issues could totally have been avoided. Also these sites take away from face to face communication in our society. Instead of talking to our friends in person we message them on facebook which is totally not needed. These are just some of the reasons that i think Social networking sites have a negative affect on our society.

  17. In my opinion, social networking sites have an overall negative effect on society. These sites have become too much of an *avocation* and are distracting to users. There are many *interlopers* on social networking sites that attempt to *beguile* others about their age. Also, users become more comfortable while on these sites and say things that they wouldn't normally say in person. Often, people will be *crass* thinking that they won't be *admonished* for their actions since they are online. Users need to be careful with what they say online, instead of being *vacuous*.

  18. I believe social networking sites have had an overall negative effect on society because many of the users of these sites are sexual predators. Some of the people on social networking sites are *crass*, rude, and scary. Also many users of social networking sites add people they do not know, which is very dangerous for their safety. Likewise, social networking sites provide impersonal communication, meaning that not a lot of people talk face to face anymore. Social networking sites are also extremely time consuming. Teenagers spend more time on Facebook and/or Myspace than doing the homework and assignments *allocated* to them. They start to live *vicariously* through social networking sites, living an *ascetic* life. Social networking sites cause a decline in a person's physical activity and social life. I do not *admonish* social networking sites, it is just that I believe that we as a society could live without them.

  19. I believe social ntworking sites have had a negative effect on society. If they are your friends you shouldn't need facebook because you guys would be calling eachother or writing to eachother because it is more personal. Facebook causes addiction and false identities to be made. People lose who they really are because they believe they are protected by the internet.

  20. I believe that social networking sites have had a negative effect on society. In my opinion, they are extremely addicting and cause people to lose focus on important things, such as homework. I aslo feel that social sites are unsafe because many people dont realize that there are a lot of liars and criminals on these sites who love to trick people into harm.

  21. Though social networking sites are addicting at first, I believe they have more of a negative impact on society today. I constantly hear of privacy risks, warning people about sexual predators. There have been numerous lawsuits from people, blaming these sites for harassments, when really it is the person's fault for not having the responsibilty to use the site with awareness. Also, social networking can be considered a waste of time. There are so many other better things to do than sitting in front of a computer, looking at the profiles of people you already know. Social networking sites does have its postives, but it leaves society with a more negative impact.

  22. I believe social networking sites have a negative effect on society. Instead of talking in person, people now insist on speaking through MySpace and Facebook. Also these sites are dangerous. People try to make out that they can be private and nothing bad can happen, but that is not the case. The truth is nothing on those sites is private. Another thing is over 700 registered sexual preditors have MySpaces or Facebooks. Facebook and Myspace are only making it easier for these preditors to create another victim. So besides the simple fact of just being a waste of time these sites can cause real problems.

  23. Overall, I think social networking sites have had a negative effect on society. For one thing, people never talk in person or even on the phone. Instead they insist on Instant messaging you through Facebook or MySpace. I've lost babysitting opportunities before because the parents messaged me on Facebook instead of simply calling to ask me whether or not I was available to watch there kids. Also, there's no getting away from your account. When you have a Social Networking account, people are always able to get in contact with you. Sometimes this is great, but sometimes you don't always want to talk to a person. You just want to get away from society for a bit. Social networking sites make this impossible.

  24. Social networking sites have an overall negative effect on society. Although entertaining, they are a major distraction from things such as homework. Also, they are not face to face communication so, they aren't very helpful in getting people out of the house and living life.

  25. I think Social Networking sites have no positive effects what-so-ever, mainly because they put the user in jeopardy. When using a social networking site, people tend to forget that they are still on the internet and very vunerable. Vunerable to the fact that if they are not smart about who they add and the privacy on their page, that it's possible for their physical well-being to be in danger. But people also tend to put their future in jeopardy when using a networking site. They put up pictures or say things that could get them in trouble with the police. Or maybe even they will get denied by the college they want because the college looked at their page and did not like what they see. Another reason socail networking sites are negative is because they are nothing sort of pointless. Some may argue that they are a good way to catch up with old buddies, but if this is the case then put an age limit on the site. Young people don't have any "old buddies" and therefore have no reason to be a user on such a site. Again, if someone was to argue this, if people really wanted to catch up with an old friend, just call them up. I beleive social networking sites are what are putting today's society in a pathetic place. A place where people talk vai computer instead of face to face. A place where people are more concerned about how they look on Facebook istead of how they act in real life. Again, social networking sites are not only negativly effecting our soceity but also pushing it in a way where we shouldn't want to go.

  26. Though there are positive aspects of social networking, their overall contribution to society is negative. Social networking sites act as a haven for interlopers looking to harm others, either physically or mentally. Some may argue that there are privacy settings, but many people will friend anyone who is their friend's friend, or just anyone to increase their own friends number. Now, the consequences of these actions are ultimately the person who accepted such people fault; however they should not be punished because of their naivity. Not only are these sites potentially dangerous they also help the increase of the lack of face-to-face contact, which is becoming increasingly evident in our society. Although this type of contact is good for long distance relationships, it should not be used instead of actually talking to a person. This allows for the development of social graces and proper conduct, instead of talking to a person as one would while talking to them on the internet. People must stay aware that there is another person out there, not just a screen.

  27. While overall Social networking sites are common place in our society, that dosent mean they carry only a positive effect on Society as well. Facebook and other sites like myspace are safe havens for cyber bulling to take place. Because of all your information being in one place, it makes it easier and easier for any creepy interloper to come in and bully you. While there are steps you can take to prevent this (i.e privacy settings and not joining a social networking site), it is still not common to see the crass actions of today's American Teen to be caught in the fast pase society we live in. Just in 2007 a girl that lived in the Saint Louis area committed suicide because of such an incident. This isn't just that one random girl that was affected and it wont happen to any of us. While fun and good natured, Facebook is having a negative influence on our vacuous Society.

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  29. Social networking sites have a negitive effect on society. By using social networking sites so often we lose real communication skills, and we also lose the sense of human contact. Social networking sites are beguiling todays youth into thinking that the real way to communicate is through a cold series of letters and numbers instead of real words.

  30. I believe social networking sites have had a negative effect on society. They are huge time wasters and distractions to everyone. There are also many dangers in using these sites. Although you can set privacy setting some people either ignore the settings or just don't set them and can get themselves into trouble.

    Marissa Pruitt

  31. I think social networking has had a positive affect on society. You can connect with old friends without ever verbally speaking to them. You can also talk to someone without ever using up phone minutes or text message limits.
