Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Social Networking

Social networking can connect us to more people, but I think we might surprised by how much we can disconnect from them as well. The relations we make over Facebook and MySpace are kind of fake. To be perfectly honest, some friends we probably never pay attention to. We got lost in the deception that we are automatically closer to someone when we click "accept". In reality, we just might be loosing the bonds of those who are actually sitting in the room with us, figuratively speaking anyway. We can get so caught up in a social circle online filled with worthless conversions,that we are too distracted to spend time with our family and friends nearby. The communication you make with your friends isn't nearly as real as when you do it over the Internet. There's just something about really being with people that makes the bond stronger. Social networking can just become so addicting, so please don't let it take away from time you can spend with people. I mean, isn't the actual sound of laughter a whole lot better than reading "lol"? I do agree that social networking helps you to keep up with people's lives. However, you may gain more friends, but the ties will be weaker. Don't loose those who are closest to you! They are the people you can turn to, and we need people like that to make it through this life.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Social Networking - Jack Whiteman

Overall, I think that social networking sites like Facebook have a negative effect on society. You see, these sites pull people to them, moving them away from more important things that they were doing. These include work, exercising, and for me importantly, HOMEWORK! These sites are distracting and lowering my in-person social skills when i meet new people. Facebook and other social networking sites yes to have their pros like enhanced communication, but overall their effects have a negative turnout on society.


Overall, I feel social networking sites have a negative effect on society. I think we've all, at one point or another, complained about the " facebook creep"- it can really get annoying when someone constantley comments on everything. Sometimes you just want to admonish their behaviors. With so many facebook friends, you really loose your sense of privacy and leave your life an open book for, in some cases, people you don't event know. While it's a fast and efficient way to communicate, Facebook really isn't worth the privacy risks involved in having a profile on this social networking site

Social networking

In my opinion Social networking has both its Cons and Pros, it provides communication for those many families who are not near each other. I dont think social networking will cause us to rather use the computer as our source of communication instead of meeting Face-to-Face it is just a more efficient and cheaper way to stay in touch. I for one prefer Face-to-Face friends and don't revolve around Social networking sites. I dont think it is the sites altogether but rather the people using the sites. It seems as if when on sites like facebook you feel as if showing that you have home training or some sort of intelliegence is not necessary. People who use words like "bruh" or "Cuz" instead of because and other unnecessary slang are a few people giving Social networking sites a bad repitation. Also when people are going around posting threats and who they love and whatnot i see it as a way that people can make those unknown friends jealous or make themselves seem more superior than they actually are. Overall i think that as of now there are faults in social networking sites but over time the good and bad will balance out.

socail networking

I believe that social netowrking has a negative effect on society. It is pulling people away from talking face to face and people are finding it easier to talk over facebook or myspace. Also it gives the people the affect of making them feel like they have a barrier inbetween them and that they can say whta ever they want on facebook to whoever they want. Freinds is another big deal. People think its very cool to add as many friends as they possibly can on facebook, but are all these people their accual friends? The answer is usually no, your just adding people beacuse you know the name or you want to add as many people as you can.

Social Networking-Nikki Schulz

In my own personal opinion I would say that social networking has overall had a negative impact on society and especially highschool students. I know many people that find themselves on Facebook when their supposed to be doing homework. Social networking has also increased cyberbullying and it is an easy access for predators to search up teenage girls who are very vunerable. I think the age requirement to even have a Facebook should be increased because obviously most teens can't handle it. Yes, Facebook may be helpful when it comes to finding old friends but overall it's a distraction and a waste of time.

Social Networking-Lauren Pellegrini

I think that social networking has a negative effect on society. Without social networking people would spend less time on the internet and more time actually doing imprtant things. And it is a big distraction when I am doing my homework.
I think that social networking can have an overall positive effect on our generation. we can connect with our friends and track organizations that we are part of. We can share information with our friends and keep in contact with people who live in other states.

Social Networking- Meaghan Hill

In my opinion, social networking has had an overall negative effect on society. It takes up time and causes me to procrastinate a million times more than i normally would. It makes it harder to focus on doing work on the computer or on school in general. It takes away from personal face to face conversations and friends, while a computer can help keep in touch, theres such thing as a phonecall. I just think it's hurting society overall.

Social Networking

I believe that social networking has had an overall negative impact. There are some good things about it, but it has done more harm than good in my opinion. I think if your smart enough about it that its not that harmful, but some people can be very vacuous about these things.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Social networks-Kaylin C.

Social networks, in my opinion, have had an overall negative effect on society. Yeah, you can stay in touch with people and all that junk , but that's what phones, paper, and pens are for. You tend to lose that personal, face-to-face connection that's nessesary to grow all relationships. I'm not talkin' like the "Hey, we should hang out, bla, bla, bla" or whatever, I'm talkin the when people only "talk" on facebook but don't say didly when they see them anywhere else. The other thing is the safty issue. There are a lot of freaks out there who prey on young people. Kids are dumb though too, and post all this information about themselves and talk to some creeper-mugee who they don't know. That leads to trouble as well. So I'd say, overall, social networking sites are just a poopie idea.

Social Networking Sites

Even though all the socail networking sites help us get in contact and catch up with people, I think they do more harm then good. People say that sites like Facebook and Myspace help them connect with their friends and communicate easier. That is all fine and good, but the dangers that come with those sites out weight the positive. These sites are havens for sexual predators looking for young, unsuspecting, rebelious defenseless teens. Like it or not, that's what most of us are. Not to mention the things that social networking sites bring us aren't anything we couldn't do on our own. The sites really give us an excuse to be either busier, or lazier. Overall I'd say if something like social networking sites put us in danger, which they do, they aren't worth the problems and concerns.
I think socail networks are mostly a bad thing. They make it addicting and it has become more of a billboard than a place to stay connected and to to friends and family.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Networking sites

I think networking sites are both a good thing and a bad thing. On one point you can talk to family and friends who live far away. But a bad thing is your profile, your photos and all your posta arent protected. Any random person can just go through any thing and everything you have on that account. They could even find out exactly where you live and go to school.

Social Networking

I believe social networking has had a negative influence on today’s society. Many of these sites have millions of followers; people can connect with friends, but they can also connect with sexual predators, and meet hackers. Personal information can be displayed on theses sites causing privacy issues, there are several accounts demonstrating the harmful outcomes of this epidemic, “three local men, Mario Rojas, Leonardo Barroso and Victor Rodriguez, have burglarized more than 18 homes in the Nashua area of New Hampshire simply by checking status updates on Facebook and then pillaging the houses of victims who announced on the social network that they were not home” (New York Times). This is one account that demonstrates the depressing impact these sites can have. Overall the social networking sites are a negative impact on this generation and those to come.
-Hannah Beilman

Social Networking

I believe that social networking is one of the most dangerous things someone could get into. There are privacy features ya, but if someone could hack into the pentagon you think a private facebook could stop those predators out there. They are crazy that is why they do what they do. They may be useful to give you information that you may have picked up if you pay attention at school. People also seem to feel that if they say something on the computer, nothing will happen or they feel invincible. This is especially true for teens. They feel tough, though they are cowards using their computers to say what they cannot say face-to-face. It is easy for people to learn about you, but am I wrong when I say people often put fake stuff on these sites (ever heard Brad Paisley's song Online). You learn less than you would in a face-to-face conversation. You can tell so much by body language and voice tone. They may be acting sarcastic but would you know? Just by being around someone you can tell a lot about them whether you mentally realize it or not. Even when we watch what we say on these sites, something always slips. This is why I avoid these time-consuming, pointless sites altogether.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Social Networking Sites Stance

My stance on social networking is that it has an overall negative impact on society though their are positive aspects. The reason why I say it's negative is because it is a waste of valuable time and is a place where many broadcast inappropriate things that they can get in trouble for in the future.
-Julia Calandro

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Social Networks Impact On Society

I believe that social networking has had a negative impact on society because it has changed the way of communication in todays world. On social sites people are sometimes crass to one another, which can hurt us emotionally. Also it is dangerous because it allows strangers to interlope on your life, which in the end could end to dangers. Lastly it has made communicating too easy, now instead of talking face to face we talk through text, which changes our communication ways in negative ways.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My stance on social networking

I find social networking to be a force that destroys many of the things I value. It causes an assimilation of culture that then spreads to cover the world. This culture makes it normal to lose the unspoken social rules and thus forget how to be polite. It’s hard to remember that another human is on the other end of the message. I make the same mistake with e-mails alone; I ask my parents to proofread almost all the e-mails I send for accidental tone, which still doesn’t always work. Fact is, nothing can beat face-to-face communication, as almost all of communication is non-verbal. This means body language, facial expression, even inflection, changes in the pitch of the speaker’s voice, provide more information than the words being said. Social networking removes the human aspect of communication, even with use of emoticons, which look extremely unprofessional in any media, and give the impression of low intelligence. Thus, social networking removes identity of culture, removes social restraints that people keep to protect friendships, cut out most of communication due to the media used, and give off the impression of dwindling intelligence. Not a very positive effect, as I see it.

Social Networking Sites

Looking at how popular Facebook, MySpace, and other social networking sites have become, it presents a problem within our generation. With all of the homework allocated to us, the chores we have to do, along with other responsibilities of being a teenager, these sites become a distraction. Assignments using the computer, for instance, makes it easy to log onto Facebook or MySpace while we're supposed to be finishing homework. Another example of a problem of the social networking sites is the dangers of hackers and online predators. Teens and even adults put personal information on their profiles, allowing complete strangers to find out what kind of person they are. Along with Internet predators, hackers love Facebook. They can log into accounts that aren't theirs and can give other computers viruses. Although social networking sites are a big part of our lives with communication and keeping up to date with friends and family, they also have negative effects on our lives as well.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Social Networking Sites

Please argue your opinion on whether social networking sites have had a positive or negative impact on our society.  You should have two supporting details for your opinion, and you must comment on one other person's post.  This post is due by Tuesday, September 28th at 11:59 p.m.

Monday, September 13, 2010

A interloper broke into my house last night, and gave me a huge dint in the left-side of my head. He beguiled me into defraying for his Drug addiction. His name was Seth. I admonish him very much. Seth was a crass fool. Yet, I was unknown to the fact that Mrs. Altman allocated Seth to confront me. Seth was vicariously living his life like Al Pacino. Seth is a fruit, he smells like marshmallows, and I am allocating him to go take a bath.

-6th Hour's Ode to Seth.......

Friday, September 10, 2010

Essay goal

My goal is to write a good ap essay wit a strong thesis, a good embedded quote and a god conclusion that shows i have proven my point.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My writing goal

My writing goal is to perfect comma usage and correctly explain my thinking.

My goal

My goal is to do the mla format correct and focus more on the promt not just the writing.

Writing Goal

My writing goal is to improve my sentence structure and fluency.


My goal is to embed my quotes better, and explain my thesis better as well.
My goal for future English essays is to focus more on the prompt.

A Goal of My Own

The goal I hope to achieve for my English essay is to explain more thoroughly my examples, and to stay focused on my prompt.


My goal is t0 better explain my thesis statement.


My goal for the next essay is to fully support every point i make.


my goal is to introduce my quotes better and focus on the prompt

My Goal

My goal for the next essay is to explain my quotes better and stay on the topic of the prompt

My Goal

My plan is to use the prompt as a guide and to not sumarize as much as I did.
My goal for the next essay is to focus only on the prompt, and avoid any unnesessary details.
-Jenna Brocato.


My goal for the next essay is to understand and answer all parts of the prompt and to use better transitions.
-Hannah Beilman :-)

Essay Goal

My goal is to make sure i thorougly answer all parts of the prompt and to be as clear as possible.


my goal for the next essay is to follow the prompt and to get higher grade than the last one!

Essay Goal

For my next essay, I plan to be more specific on my ideas and relate more to the book.
For my next essay I am going to focus on the prompt.

Katie Phillips
My goal for my next essay is to answer the whole prompt and work on word choice.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

My English Essay Goal

My goal for the next essay is to focus on the content more intently and take my time.....and i like the ninja time idea!!

Essay Goal

For my next essay I want to be to the point. I need to focus on supporting my thesis and not include to much personal opinion!

My English Goal

My new English goal is to learn all there is to know about proper grammer. Also, I need to make sure I keep my focus on the prompt.

My english essay goal

on my next essay, i would like to put more relevant content in.

more time for ninja in class would be great!
My goal is to stick to the prompt and improve my MLA format. ~Tiffany Sunderland

My Writing Goal

What i want to improve on my essay is understanding the prompts.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Another goal

My goal is to improve on transitions and content, at least raise them up to 70 % in their respective areas.

Essay Improvemnet

What i want to improve on my next essay is not repeating the same facts over and over!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

My goal is to improve the content part of my essay and to make my thesis more concise.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Writing Goals

Now you can all relax; you have survived your first essay of the class.  So, let's start preparing for the next one.  Please post your individual writing goal for your next essay.  Also, you must comment on at least one other person's post (include words of encouragement and support in regards to their writing goal).  This post is due by Thursday, September 9th at 11:59 p.m.