Saturday, August 14, 2010

Hello There :)

Hi :) I'm Sandeep and something you may not know about me is that I have traveled to Germany, England, and India. Oh and I also have a huge obsession with Pretty Little Liars... it is great.


  1. Me too!!!!
    Who's A?!?!?!
    I didn't know that!!!

  2. NIUCE! thats german right? actuaully i just typed that wrong...anyways thats awesome why did you go there?

  3. Jealous! I want to travel to those place!

  4. Mary: I know! I really want to know who "A" is... it is killing me.
    Seth: My parents lived in Germany before coming to the USA so they wanted to show my brother and I where they lived before and stuff.
    Lauren: We should travel together :)
