Friday, August 27, 2010

this is Keegan Ragsdale and one thing that you probably don't know about me is that I like to play guitar.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

First Post

Thanks for the well wishes for Marshall!  Hopefully, we find something out soon.  I loved reading your first posts.  I have a very unique group of students!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Something You Might Not Know...

Hey! I'm Kerri Husa and something you might not know about me is that I used to take ballet lessons.

Hayley Smith here

Hey! Something you may not know about me is I play the drums. I have a 30 minute lesson every Wednesday.

Get well soon!

Sorry to hear marshalls in the hospital! He is so cute in that picture with laptop! Hope he gets better soon! : )

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hi, im Bridget Riley and one thing people may not know about me is that i have three brothers and three sisters.
Hi, I'm Mollie Whiting! Something you probably don't know about me is that I have recently competed in a triathlon! :)

The first get well soon for Marshall.

So, yeah, we all heard about it in class. We're sorry he's having trouble and we hope he get's well soon.
One thing you may not know about me, is that I have a lakehouse and spend almost my whole summer there! I like to inner-tube, water ski, knee board, and jump off cliffs at the lake!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Hi it's Marissa Pruitt! One thing you may not know about me is that my favorite show is Criminal Minds, I could watch that show all day!
Hi, my name is Julia Calandro! One thing that you may not know about me is that i can waterski, wakeboard, and kneeboard behind my family's boat.
Hi, my name is Katie Phillips and I have 42 members on one side of my family!
Hi I'm Shelby Steingraeber and something you many not know about me is that my favorite food is ice cream

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Hi, my name is Adam Birenbaum and one thing you probably don't know about me is that I like to listen to hard rock/metal music like Metallica, Iron Maiden, and Disturbed. Although I don't look like the sterotypical rocker, I am.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Holly Rogers... Something you may not know about me is that I LOVE THE BEATLES!
Hey, its Meaghan Hill. One thing you probably don't know about me is, i was full out blonde until i was about 5 :)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

One thing......

Hey it's Clayton Humburg here, and one thing you probably didn't know about me is that I am completely obsessed with movies! o_O

Something you wouldn't know about me...?

This is Mary Kahle and you may not know that I love to play softball. If you did know that I played softball, you may not know my little brothers name is Stone.
Hi, this is Lauren Pellegrini

I dislocated my knee playing soccer last year, and now whenever the weather changes or it is about to rain, it hurts!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Hey i'm Danielle and I really love the color Purple! Also i throw the Discus on the Track and Field team, it's pretty fun.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Hey, im Rebecca Henderson!

Something you may not know about me is i love the color YELLOW and my three dogs are named from old cartoon shows( popeye, yogi, and bear)! :)

Yogi is the white and Popeye is the black dog, we recently got bear and hes a puppy so we dont have any pictures of him on our computer.

Shocking? ikr

Hey, I'm Valerie Blanks and something you may not know about me is that i'm Biracial, meaning my mom is white and my dad is black. Would be more obvious if the summer sun didn't hate me 8P. I have 5 siblings, the oldest is 21 and currently in the Air Force, while the youngest is 5 and still absolutely adorable. I just moved to this district and so far i'm a complete outcast.

I have too much time on my hands.....8P These are my favorite colors :D


Hi! I'm Haley Crosby! There's probably a lot of things you don't know about me, but I'll start with telling you that I love to watch people draw. Unfortunately, I can't draw myself, but I wish I could. It's so cool when people can draw something so perfectly it looks real! I guess I'll just have to learn to live with my average sketching abilities.
Hi, I'm Kaylin Clark and you probably don't know that in my life so far, I've moved 12 times.

Something you didnt know about me is.....

Hi Erika Pierson and I bet you didnt know that i really want to go to australia for the skate 4 cancer tour. My grandma had cancer and thats really pushed me to want to do it.
Hello I'm Samantha Fleschner and something you may not know about me is that I've played the clarinet for over five years.


I'm Tiffany Sunderland and I went out of the country 3 times over the summer.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Hello There :)

Hi :) I'm Sandeep and something you may not know about me is that I have traveled to Germany, England, and India. Oh and I also have a huge obsession with Pretty Little Liars... it is great.
Hi I'm Katie Anderson, and something you probably don't know about me is that I went to China last year.
Hi I am Bobby Wood. Something you probably do not know about me is that I have cracked my head open twice.
Hey! I'm Jenna Brocato, and I'm currently reading Harry Potter! :)

Hannah Beilman

Hi, this is Hannah Beilman. Something most people don't know about me is that I live on a farm and I have 20+ pets. I have 16 chickens (Tacky, John Doe, Sparrow, Loretta, Prada, Dare Devil, America, Pirate, Bubba, Sprocket, Crank, Balbasor, Sm-ore, Coco, Snowflake, and Cotton) , 2 horses (Cowboy-American Paint Horse, Scooby-white Quarter Horse) , 1 pony (Puzzle-Shetland pony), I also have 1 ferret named Nike, 2 Rottweilers (Adalia and Handsome, Handsome is in the picture to the right), 1 pig (Biggy), and 1 cat named Bob.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Logan Wittmaier

One thing most people probably don't know about me is that I love to hunt. I have taken down one deer and one elk and will be going after a red stag over fall break.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


I'm Richard Hynson and I have a 3-legged black cat.
Hi I'm Marleigh Anderson and I'm addicted to Taco Bell. And dance.

That's pretty much it :)

Why hello there

Hi, my name is Jack Whiteman. Something you don't know about me is i have a incurable addiction to Lady Gaga and my favorite color is yellow. My favorite movie is Miss Congeniality and I like to eat peaches when I am hungry.

Scuba Diving

Hi I am Alec Thompson, and like many people there is some things you might not know about me. The main thing you might not know about me is that I LOVE to scuba dive. I have only scuba dived once, and it was in a pool, but it was incredible. We played underwater hockey, and jogged laps on the bottom of the pool. I loved every second of it and I will be scuba diving in an ocean this fall. I cant wait untill then! So now you know something about me that you never knew before.
Hi. This summer I spent all my time with my friends, on vacation, and swimming.
I play marimba in band

Adam Kochan here and I have over 9000+ cats.....

Sami Holder's in the house! (Gryffindor that is.)

You guys may not know this about me...but um..I'm actually enrolled in Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.. no big deal or anything.

I'm just kidding. One day, I would like to be on the LPGA.
This is Cameron White. I am partially color blind, i get blue and purple mixed up. Also get orange green and yellow mixed up to.
Hi everybody! In the 7th grade I tore ligaments in my ankle while pointe dancing. I'm in a singing group and since it was around Christmas, I made my crutches look like candy canes.

Hello! It's Michelle Zigler!

Hey, this is Michelle. I'm in Mrs. Altman's 5th hour. I'm so excited to be blogging with my classmates! I enjoy blogging quite a lot. Anytime free time I have I write about my day. Besides blogging I love to read, but unfortunately school seems to have taken over my life and I never have time for anything anymore! I also love to write. Once out of college (if I decide to go) I hope to move to New York City to start my writing career. I know I won't make a lot of money and I really do not care. Living the life as a starving artist seems so exciting and such a thrill! I cannot wait to move to the Big Apple. Well, that's just a little peek into my life!
This is Seth Cooper and over the summer I went and played in two national tournaments in Detroit and San Jose. In Detroit we placed 2nd and in San Jose we placed 3rd, both tournaments had the best players in the country at my age. Also I swam in both the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean this summer. ( San Jose, California...west coast and Charleston, South Carolina...east coast)

Something about me

I'm considering the possibility of me making people hats for a living. Could be fun.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Nice to meet you!

For your first post, post something other people might not know about you.  Also, you must comment on another person's post.  This post is due by August 25th at 11:59 p.m.