Sunday, December 5, 2010


1. One allusion to Greek Mythology I found was the Atlas. Atlas was one of the great Titans who were defeated by Zeus. Atlas was forced to Carry the world on his back for the rest of eternity. Thus, the book with the road maps and geography was named after him.

2. The second Allusion to Greek Mythology is our school's Cross Country and Track Team's logos. The logo is a boot with small weeks coming off the back heel. This is alluding to Hermes, who wore a similar shoe which allows him to travel at rapid speeds. Hermes also gave his boots to Perseus before he killed Medusa!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Greek Allusions!

One allusion I found was a Botanical Garden out somewhere called Elysium Gardens. Elysium is the place in the Underworld where all the good people who lived their lives well go after they die. This is to designate the garden as a paradise.
Another allusion to Greek mythology may also be winged feet, which are used to describe things that are fast, especially sporting events like Cross Country and Track. These winged feet refer back to Hermes, because he is the one they originally came from. He wore them so he could get from place to place quickly to deliver messages for Zeus. I can see why he would want to rush, because Zeus doesn't like a particularly patient person.


2 Allusions:

1. Atlas who held up the world in Greek Mythology is the name of our book for a colection of maps

2. "Trust the midas touch"= alludes to King Midas' Golden touch.... giving the saying trust the golden touch

Mythology Post

I found a cement company called Medusa Cement Company. It references the myth of Medusa being able to turn people into stone and uses this because it is a globally known myth, which helps because it is an international company.

In a Ferrero Roche commercial, it shows the gods and Olympus eating the candy and dropping a piece to earth. It emphasizes the quality and taste of the product. Not only does it allude to the gods, but their superiority and their love of higher quality things. Although it does not name anyone, it uses the gods as a symbol of their excellence.

One allusion i found was an Atlas, which is a book filled with maps of the world. In greek mythology, there was a god named Atlas who was forced by Zeus to stand forever and hold the weight of the world on his sholders. Therefore, an Atlas, being that it holds maps of the world, is named after this greek god, Atlas.

Another allusion i found was the company Hercules, which makes a high-selling video graphic card. In greek mythology, Hercules is the greatest greek hero to ever live. Therefore, the Hercules company uses thier name as a way to show that thier product is the greatest, just like the Hercules in greek mythology was the greatest. In fact, the companys slogan is, Legendary Strength, Quality, and Performance.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Greek Mythology

The first allusion to greek mythology that I found was in the brand Trident Gum. The trident was a 3 pronged spear used by Poseidon. Literally, Trident translates as "triple-toothed." So therefore, this has to do with a brand that has everything to do with the mouth and teeth.

The second allusion that I see frequently is the brand Nike. Nike was the goddess of victory, so the company is trying to promote that wearing their merchandise will allow you to perform well in the sport that you are participating in.

Greek Mythology

One example I found of Greek mythology in the modern world is a popular brand of women's razors. Venus razors are advertised frequently and are named after Venus the Greek god of love.

A second example of Greek mythology is nike. Nike was a Greek god who could run very fast, and today nike is a popular athletic shoe brand.

Clayton H. Greek Mythology

The first allusion to Greek mythology I found was the Medusa Cement Company. This is ironic because according to myth, if Medusa looked you in the eyes you turned to stone, or in this case: cement.

For my second allusion I used Trident gum. In Greek mythology, the god Poseidon holds his trademark trident which has 3 spikes on it. In Greek, Trident roughly means three-toothed, referencing to teeth and how Trident gym cleanses teeth. This could be how the product came about.

Michelle's Greek Mythology

One Greek allusion I found was of the Greek myth about Apollo. Apollo was the son of Zeus and Leto. He's known mainly for being the god of music and the arts. In New York City there is a theatre called the Apollo Theatre which is very popular for it's music played there. Giving it the name the Apollo Theatre tells us that it is a place of music and the arts.

Another illusion is based on the Greek Goddess, Venus. Venus was known as the Greek goddess of love and beauty. Her name is used for the popular brand of women's razors called Venus. The name gives people the idea that this razor will give the woman a beautiful body and legs if she uses that product. Giving products names with hidden meanings behind them can often beguile the customer to buy their products to earn more money.


There are many Greek Mythology allusions in everyday life. These allusions are in advertisements, literature, movies ect. The three allusions I found are: Cupid, Nemesis, and Echo. Eros, was the God of love, he was usually described as a boy with wings and an arrow. Cupid is used commonly nowadays on Valentines day. Nemesis is the Greek Goddess of justice and vengeance, she alludes to the word arch-nemesis, or the enemy of a character in novel, often described as the hero's worst enemy. Another allusion I found to Greek Mythology is the word echo, Echo is the nymph from the myth Narcissus, she was punished and was forced to only repeat what others said. This story alludes to the word echo: the repetition of a word.
-Hannah Beilman

Greek Mythology

The first allusion in the modern world is Nike shoes, which alludes to the Greek goddess Nike, who could run fast. They use this allusion so the shoes give you the false impression that you will become more athletic.

Another thing in the modern day world that is considered to be an allusion is Harry Potter's scar, the lightening bolt, which is an allusion to Zeus

Mythology allusions

One allusion to mythology in the world today is the saying "Your Achilles heel will be your downfall". this refers to the hero Achilles who was dipped in the River Stix as a baby and became invincible every where except for his heel where he was held.

Another allusion to mythology in the world is the shoe company Nike. this refers to the Greek god Nike who could run extremely fast.

Myth Allusions

One myth i have realized that i have realized is alluded to in modern society is the venus fly trap. the fly trap lures its prey in by seducing them in a way with a fregrance. This directly relates to Venus the god of love and how she could beguile people into loving her.

This second allusion to Greek mythology i found was Argus, he is a giant watchman with a hundred eyes. This directly alludes to Argus Security, a modern security company, specializing in commercial business protection.

Greek Myth Allusions

In the modern world, I see allusions everywhere. First, there is the Nike shoes which are related to the goddess Nike who could run fast. I think the name is supposed to imply that if you wear these shoes, then you will be able to run really fast.

Another allusion I found was to the cerebrus, or three headed dog in Harry Potter. Fluffy is a three headed dog who guards things, just like the cerebrus in mythology guarded the entrance to Hades.

Greek myth allusion

I read a book series called daughters of the moon. It revolves around the myth of Dianna , goddess of the moon, the human she fell in love Endymion and the demigod children they had together. It also brings in other myths like the goddess hecate, God Zeus, the Gorgon Medusa, Charon, the story of the man who went into hell to save his wife and who sent her staight back because he turned around to look at her before leaving hell.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Greek Mythology Allusions

One allusion to Greek mythology I found was the term, narcissism, which is the characteristic of being selfish or having a very big ego. This term came from the character, Narcissus, from a Greek myth. Narcissism came from this character because Narcissus fell in love with himself when he saw his reflection in a pool of water. Naturally, narcissism means self-centered or conceited.

Another allusion to Greek mythology is the Tennessee Titans football team. In Greek mythology, the titans were strong rulers who controlled the earth before the Olympians. The football team most likely chose the name, Titans, because it means they are in charge and control the game.

Popular Illusions to Greek Mythology

The first allusion I found was an allusion to an every day cleaner, Ajax. It was named after Ajax, who was known for cleaning up the areas of war, when the war was finished.

The second illusion i found was in the commonly used Trident Gum. It was obviously named after the Trident in Greek mythology. Trident literally means three tooth. 'Tria' is Greek for 'three' and 'donti' means 'tooth', hence that is where the gum comes in, i found this to be a droll connection.

Allusions to Mythology

One allusion to Greek mythology i found is Apollo, a famous Music hall in New York who named their theater after the Greek god of music, Apollo. Another allusion is to Nike, the Goddess of victory who runs and flies at great speeds, where Nike running shoes got their name.


Tori Puellman
The first Greek myth allusion that I found was to the Nike shoe brand. Nike was the goddess of victory who had the ability to run and fly at great speeds. So, by the brand using the goddess' name it implies that there shoes will make you run very fast and will help you win your races. The second allusion that I was found to was Mercury who was the messenger of God. Ford has a car model with the name Mercury, by using this name it make the car seem heavenly and special, just like Mercury was.


One allusion i found in modern day technology would be the brand Venus razors. Venus was the goddess of beauty and love, and considering a razor is a beauty product for women, it makes sense to name the company after that.

The second one i found was for Trident gum. Poseidon, the god of the Sea's weapon was a three prong called the Trident. Trident gum has three flavors and a trident had three prongs. Also tri- means three, and donti- means tooth.

Greek Mythology Allusions

One modern day allusion is Valentines day which involves cupid. Cupid was the god of love.

Another allusion is that Amazon was a Greek goddess and it is now known as an online shopping website.
A mythology allusion I found in modern day was on spongebob. In one of the episodes King Neptune is featured. Neptune was the Roman god of the sea.

The second allusion I found was Trident gum. A trident was the weapon of Posiedin, the Greek god of the sea. It was kind of like a pitch fork but had curved outer points.

Greek allusions

The first greek allusion I found was Nike. Nike was the greek goddess of victory but is now the name of a big clothing/ shoe company. I think they used this allusion to try and convince people to buy their product. Since their name is Nike and that was the goddess of victory, they're saying that buying their product will bring you victory.

The second greek allusion I found was Trident gum. The trident was the weopen used by Poisedon, the god of the sea, and it had three prongs. The Trident company probably chose this name for their gum because it has three flavors and a trident had three prongs.